[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

After finish my edit I looked for that card.

This is my list:

Huidige Voltage fase 1 is to only one that I have for this.

Does your p1 have volt info? Check tools site and search device there?


Everything is working when I used the Date & Time card with “Every xx quantity”.

So when I set it to “Every 10 seconds” I get the results that my P1 show what is possible.
See 1st picture of my post 1399.

So your P1 has no “Het voltage is veranderd” trigger card?

Correct, here no “Het voltage is veranderd” trigger card

For the moment I think that I get 99% what I was looking for.

The tip to do “in front if those 3 cards” I have move a part of that time control flow.

One problem is the fact that they have only “greater or smaller” therms.
By “equal” go’s it wrong. That is near the vax & min voltage for the “now” voltage.

Also by ever flow edit I have to reset first all to get the main flow working.
For the rest of the day I want do nothing further after disconnect the timeline notificatie.
Watching I can do on an other spot.

Hopefully it working to morrow because at 00:00 the reset is coming in.

Maybe an other Homewizard device that sources that voltage and not your P1?

Further here only sockets but they have voltage meting.

I’ll check my code on this maybe I am skipping a check for voltage for L1 for P1. Will get back to you.


Those trigger cards are not reliable, so I now use this now:

The 10 seconds are not synchrone but that is not a problem at all.
If the “now” is not changed then nothing is happend.
Also Mini & Maxi Voltage are not often used.
The pressure on the system, I think, is less high then 4 trigger card on the same time.

Yeah Homey time or clock internally has been a problem before when people rely on an exact time. About “now” I cant relate yet. Need to dig de P1 code to verify what goes on there. Is it my code or a generic “Homey” firmware problem.

Thank you very much for looking in to it.

After a few minutes the P1 trigger cards stopped working.
That’s why I switched to my 2nd solution.
With testing if action is needed to overcome unnecessary pressure on Homey.

Well code is there so trigger card should work but I recon your problem is more of a Homey misbehavior then.

 # L1 voltage
      if (data.active_voltage_l1_v !== undefined) {
        if (!this.hasCapability('measure_voltage.l1')) {
      if (this.getCapabilityValue('measure_voltage.l1') != data.active_voltage_l1_v)
      promises.push(this.setCapabilityValue("measure_voltage.l1", data.active_voltage_l1_v).catch(this.error));
      else if ((data.active_voltage_l1_v == undefined) && (this.hasCapability('measure_voltage.l1'))) {
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I just installed my P1 to our meter. Problem is that meter is outside of Homeys WIFI. And I have separate wifi for it. Are you planning to add feature that data would be fetched from the cloud instead of local P1 device?

Hi Joni, there is no plan for supporting cloud as Homewizard has no details or allows 3rd party development to access their cloud interface. So the only option we are allowed is Local API and that is what this app supports.

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I have the same problem. Do you know what we can do about it? Like to do the same as theo

Is the insights information for the P1- and Water-meter (consumption history) collected and stored in the Homey or is it retrieved in real time from the Home wizard Cloud?

My flow gives me now by the10 second tick the 1, 5, 15, 60 minutes average.
This with 25 number variables.
Include maximum & minimum and 4 for the average per time unit.

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Its in the Homey insight. There is no Homewizard cloud connection.

yeah okay, but this is a workaround. it should just work initially via the trigger flow cards from homewizzard itself, right? and if it’s not homewizzard is this already reported to athom?
