[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Hi Jeroen

I did some debugging ; 75b8a3a9-e238-43f9-9b42-15dfba9fde15 is a diagnostic report showing all devices online. The devices that report issues have a weak wifi signal and tend to flip ip’s more often then devices with stronger signal.
I have a cabled mesh router setup in my home and with sophisticated devices I can get a good connection even on the spot where a homewizard plug is connected and reports a weak signal. I know the 2,4 band can be cluttered so I will look into moving the channel from auto to designated. It might just do the trick.
Keep you posted :blush:

Yeah sounds about I feel is the core problem. Static ip / reserve dhcp scope will help as well for mDNS cycle ip is still a challenge for Homey. Code has “onDiscoveryAddressChanged” but that doesnt seem to trigger, hence I keep suggesting to reserve ip addresses in the DHCP server.

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That is also a good idea and see if this eliminates the offline experiences. I will revert.
Update: devices stay online-ish, no (dis)connection errors anymore

Installed a P1 , but it does not show all of the voltages and the current . Is it something i have done wrong you think ? Missing: amp 2and 3. , voltage : l2, l3

I think you might still have “older” firmware running on you P1. Voltage has been only recently enabled in newer.

When trying to update it says i am om newest update.

Restart the Homewizard Homey app

Tried that , not working :pensive:

Also tried to remove and add it again in Homey.

Strange stuff.

Seems that it belives ti be only 1 phase system.

But in homewizard app it shows voltage for L1/2/3

I need the API output of your P1. Either you hit a bug in my code or your P1 doesnt register voltages.


I need to investigate this.

Drop me a diagnostic report as well, maybe it hints me where the error/bug might be.


Ok got it, thx

Did your share your full API output? As I cant find your l1, l2, l3 watt.

|active_power_l1_w|Number|The active usage for phase 1 in watt|
|active_power_l2_w|Number|The active usage for phase 2 in watt|
|active_power_l3_w|Number|The active usage for phase 3 in watt|

yes. Did not get active power w1-2-3. when trying http://x.x.x.x/api/v1/data

I have one more P1 here at Home ( it is ment to be used at the cabin ) Will try to intall it tomorrow just to see if it works the same way.

Well, I check first if these metrics/datapoints exist else it is pointless adding related parameters like voltage for l2 and l3. But seems like your smartmeter doesnt teack the l2 and l3 watt individually. So to cover this “gap” in your smartmeter behavior (guess Sweden/Norway country?) I have to change my code.

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I am in norway :blush: .
I used another «p1» Brand before (tibberpulse)and got
Total Watt

So it is there somehow :blush:. Do not really need watt :L1/2/3 if. Amp: L1/2/3 is available.

Right so, here in the Netherlands we get watt for all 3 phases and that is my check for adding these values to the device capabilities. I need to change this.