[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

I really appreciate all the work you are doing and your update just coincided with my network changes. I enjoy using your app as are thousands others … Keep up the good work and don’t let ignorant users discourage you. A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer …

Damm, The Huawei Solar app is dead, so i thought maybe the Homewizard app is the solution for it…wrong thoughts.
Let’s cancel the subscription…

Yeah what to expect from a 30 euro P1?
I do not work for Homewizard am just a hobby enthusiast that relies on what an API makes available locally.
Your expected functionality only lives in the cloud on their platform and isn’t available locally sorry.

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Klopt het dat ik de watermeter, die gekoppeld is aan mijn energy account niet kan uitlezen via Homey?

Ja dat kan, mits de watermeter niet met batterij gevoed is maar met een een stroom adapter (usb). Verder in de HomeWizard Energy app de local API van de watermeter aanzetten.

Watermeter krijgt stroom via USB :white_check_mark:
Watermeter Local API staat aan :white_check_mark:

Maar zie niks in Homey. niet bij de gegevens van de P1 meter, maar kan ook geen water meter toevoegen aan homey

Watermeter heeft zijn eigen device in de app. Check eerste bericht in topic, klinkt als een mDNS probleem.

reboot van homey en toen deed ie het wel . thnx

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Hi Duco, I reached out the the HomeWizard webcare to ask when the new firmware (I’m still on 4.19 on my P1 and 2.03 on my watermeter) will be released to non-beta users. They couldn’t help me with any information. Can you give any insights to your productplanning? On both devices I encounter connections problems; I checked and implemented all the suggestions from Jeroen without result. So the only thing I see as a solution, are these firmware updates.
Hope to hear from you!
kind regards, Bram

Already done:

  • HP23Pro wired connection
  • Reseverved DHCP addresses for all HomeWizard hardware
  • mDNS Check with mDNS app successful
  • Restarted & PowerCycled, HWApp, HP23, HW-hardware several times
  • HWEnergy plugs and 1-fase Powermeter are working fine

Bram, could you please refresh my mind what exact problem you face now?

I get econnreset error on my P1 and Watermeter. When I powercycle then they work again for a few hours/days until they get this error again. IP adresses don’t change (reservations in dhcp). When I check with mDNS app, I always find all devices.

What wifi brand/flavor are you?
Trying to understand if wifi meshing is dropping connection of the units. Any multi AP’s involved?

TL;DR: The resources from the API of the HomeWizard devices may get exhausted, rejecting new connections. This issue is known and will be fixed soon.

The fix is ready, but I cannot tell when it will be released. We roll out firmware with multiple changes in one go, so a good test period is needed. I expect between 1 and 3 months, no promises.

Full description:

Fill in this form to request beta access:


Ziggo is my ISP with the standard white modem. I disabled WiFi in the modem and use their mesh-wifi solution from tp-link. This mesh setup is in access-point mode, so the router from the modem is dhcp server where I made the reservations.

Thanks for your feedback. :+1:

Thx; I requested Beta-access for my P1 and Watermeter

1st impression: the beta-firmware seems to solve it. No connection problems since the update.
I think it’s to early to be certain, but this looks good.

Here also no problems with the beta-firmware for the energy socket. Works fine. Cross fingers that the beta firmware solved the connection problems.

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I see there is a fix for the connectivity issue with beta software. I will look into that :blush:
I did create a debug log for missing devices I see every morning when I startup homey. Just FYI: 862a5bc1-b814-4ccc-8f0b-7b65a1a54aa9

This is beta firmware is about P1. Not sure if that “bug” is affected in the socket firmware.
Your error is on unreachable which is different from connection refused.
So to me its more a WIFI issue you face.

2024-03-13T06:51:54.768Z [err] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:energy_socket] [Device:a971430d-1e03-41fc-9557-f01f4cb72df2] FetchError: request to failed, reason: connect EHOSTUNREACH
at ClientRequest. (/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1491:11)
at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:526:28)
at Socket.socketErrorListener (node:_http_client:442:9)
at Socket.emit (node:events:526:28)
at emitErrorNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:157:8)
at emitErrorCloseNT (node:internal/streams/destroy:122:3)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) {
type: ‘system’,