[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Then I am out of options.

There was a Unifi update and probably with the reboot all the network settings were reset. All the plugs show up again in homey. Probably a network issue at all. Thanks for your replies!

Hopefully other people (like Lars) can also solve their problems

Thx for confirming that. Which proofs my struggle with these mDNS odd problems. Not one single user WiFi network is the same. To many factors impact this behavior.

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  • KWH Meters SDM230 & SDM630 added support for Voltage & Amp (requires SDMxxx firmware 4.06+)
  • Bug fix SDM630
  • Updated product brandnames and internal mDNS discovery matching

After using the Homewizard app flawless on my HP19 for quite some time, since I migrated to HP23, I encounter a lot of connection problems (econnreset / socket hang up). I read about the possibility of wrong wifi configuration, but it is exactly the same a on my HP19.
I migrated to my HP23 with a backup restore; could that be causing issues? I’m not using the beta software. I have the following HW hardware: P1, Water sensor, 1fase power meter and 6 sockets.
Greetings, Bram

Nope, to me it sounds wifi connection issues with your HP2023. Maybe move it a bit? Myself migrated from a Homey Early 2016 to HP2023 a few months ago via restore backup like you.

Its either the reliability of the wifi connection of your HP2023 or your devices keep getting new ip addresses from your DHCP server (i.e. internet router).

Perfect :blush:. Thank you .

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Thx for confirming the changes are as expected. :+1:t2:

Hello, it seems that i can’t add the Huawei converter to the app…
What could be the problem?

thx in advance!

That information is only available in Homewizard Energy Cloud and is not exposed to the P1 wifi dongle. Sorry can’t help you with that.

Perhaps this works?

Hi Jeroen,

This app unfortunately doesn’t work either, I can’t add the inverter to both the Huawei app and the homewizard app

Thanks anyway!

Homewizard doesnt expose your inverter via the Local API so I dont have access via my Homewizard Homey app code. If you really want this information in Homey you have to put a kwh meter between your inverter and energy grid. Sadly I can’t help you any further with this.

If you have an energy+ account you can add inverters of different brands under the devices tab.

I just managed to add the inverter but it shows as offline.

I think the problem lies with Huawei

I know, but that is in Homewizard Energy+ Cloud. That information is not known locally via P1 wifi dongle.

v3.3.5 (beta / test)

  • Finetuning
  • Lowered CPU footprint (polling Energy sockets set to 10s and not 2s)
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v3.3.5 is live.

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Since the last update I lost connection with one of my two P1 meters. Till now both were visible and worked flawless. My house had two smart meters (a normal and a MLOEA-meter). I deleted the one that wasn’t working and tried to add it again, but it’s not visible. In the Energy app both are visible and working well, in the router both show an excellent connection. What can be wrong?

Problem is mDNS, check first post.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I managed to add them both again by giving them a fixed IP-address and enabling the local API. I recently switched to Ubiquiti Unifi router and network equipment. Will that be the probable cause? Why are these causing problems?

Local api off was your main problem. Only when ON my app is allowed to talk to your socket.
I can’t see or know all WiFi networks or their configuration. This app for Homey has over 10k users so impossible to explain or solve everyone’s problem.

Getting at a point now to not update the code anymore as every update I do is seen as a reason to blame the app and not the local network / wifi configuration.
Not to mention the regular diagnostic reports generated without asking me before (ignoring them).

Sorry for the rant nothing personal but getting really fed up.