[APP][Pro] Homewizard 🧙‍♂️

Edit: Solved.
Remove and re-add the P1 dongle.
With this script it was not a PITA to fix all flows :grimacing:

Hi Jeroen,

Since today 15:00h my P1 dongle lost its connection with Homey and won’t connect anymore.
First this error:

I’ve checked it’s still on IP …15 :

Just now, the error changed to Forbidden.

I restarted the app, Homey & p1 dongle.
Installing app v2.1.21 over v2.1.16 did not change things.

It’s continuous in use for over a year w/o any issue.
The mobile ‘Energy’ app is still connected and up-to-date.
My simple Experia-v10 router is 96hrs online (so no recent changes I assume), I also didn’t change anything in my setup.
Other 2.4GHz devices directly connected to Homey (HomeAssistant, Marantz, LG webOS, Onvif) have no issues.

I can’t think of anything to try.
Hopefully there’s some info in the diag. reports
1st: eb317b90-3859-4b4f-a868-902d43d520b9
2nd: ef612ed5-7380-433e-8fd2-a1de54897415

Homey firmware v7.4.2;
v7.4.3 since 18:44h today, June 23rd.

No hurries! I can live without it :wink:

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This “forbidden” error is the first time I see that error to be honest.
I assume you didnt disable local api in the app?

Hello @Jeroen_Tebbens after the update till now none of the sensors, Heatlink or Energylink has updated. Only the P1 works good.
This is the report.

Am really clueless here as there is no ip address mentioned in the log on Homewizard main unit.

---- stdout ----
Error: undefined
--Start Heatlink Polling-- 
2022-06-26 10:57:21 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] Gather data
2022-06-26 10:57:21 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] No data
Error: undefined
--Start Heatlink Polling-- 
2022-06-26 10:57:41 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] Gather data
2022-06-26 10:57:41 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] No data
Error: undefined
--Start Heatlink Polling-- 
2022-06-26 10:58:01 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] Gather data
2022-06-26 10:58:01 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] No data
Error: undefined
--Start Heatlink Polling-- 
2022-06-26 10:58:21 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] Gather data
2022-06-26 10:58:21 [log] [ManagerDrivers] [heatlink] [feeecb45-9e42-46a3-b73a-75da06ee0354] No data
Error: undefined

Now I am back to 2.1.15 without changing anything. Only hit the install button.

Maybe it is because I use the adress of a dns in 2.1.16 and that is not working on 2.1.21?

DNS? It should be an ip not a FQDN.

Kind regards / groet,

I mean ddns like joop.no-ip.info to get always to the same ip adres on the same port. My Homewizard is not on port 80.
Sorry for the wrong info.

My last report was there a ip adres in it?
Version 2.1.16 works fine. It uses the ddns of the router.

In 2.1.21 I added an additional layer to check connectivity with the Homewizard main unit as its wifi chip is crap and very very very very very prone to timeouts. There is an additional layer with a library that does a tcp port check which does not allow DNS based names I recon.

Additional layer has hardcoded port 80 check which is default for internal ip homewizard, right so that is why 2.1.21 fails for you.

I have just updated to 2.1.21 and used the local ip adress with my own port fort the Homewizard and that is not working.
With 2.1.16 it still works.

Just like you said above this. It only works with port 80.

Correct its the additional layer that 2.1.12 has which is using the default port 80 for Homewizard.

Maybe I can use a different library for this to avoid custom ports.
Just a need a quick availability check ip Homewizard is available before I start to get the full JSON payload from the unit.

I have no idea from programming. If you say it is possible to use custom ports for the HW I believe you, if you say it is not possible, I believe you also.
If you can make it possible with custum ports that would be nice.
But I have no idea if there are more people with other ports than 80, and use it.

That was probably the cause of the ‘forbidden’ error in hindsight.
When I was testing and trying things,
I disabled the local api and then enabled it again, to see if it would solve things.
When I checked it again after a while, it was back to disabled! Then I enabled it again and made sure it stayed enabled :see_no_evil:

@Mike1233 try 2.1.22 (added check use fqdn and port for testing)

I have installed version 2.1.22.
When I change the temperature of the heatlink, nothing happens. Temp sensors do not react.
The P1 sensor stil woks.
In what order should I enter my ip adress and port number?
Something like 123.456.7.890:1234

Yes x.x.x.x:xxxx

I got a log with error:

Error: invalid port: ‘4662’

So I think I need to convert the string to number.

Thank you.
If you have something I will try it out.

2.1.23 is in test

Just got back home from work.
Installed the test version 2.1.23.
When I change the temperature of the heatlink I directly get a notification that the temperature has changed.
Energylink shows also every 10 seconds or so the new values. Dsmr4 meter so that is correct.
It look likes its working with a different port than 80
Thank you.