[APP][Pro] HomeKit Controller - for a better Homey

Hi @Zakarias_Mortensen
I’m on a quite similar route right now. Just starting to move automatons from HomeKit to Homey Pro. I try to have as much as possible moved to advanced flows in Homey and still have HomeKit as my major user interface with Siri.

I’m just using HomeKitty + HomeKit Controller. They have different purposes in my eyes. I use HomeKit Controller to get working Aqara FP2 e.g. and HomeKitty to have the directly connected (to Homey) devices to HomeKit again.

Maybe it’s also a way to try for you, to move some devices and automation from HomeKit to Homey to use advanced flows…

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Homekitty is exposing Homey devices to Homekit, controller is getting Homekit devices in.

Kitty is a bridge and a specific device to a controller.
Controller is a controller.
A device normally is controled by one controller

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Hey Martin! Happy new year :raised_hands:t2::blush:

Due to the limited Support for Aqara devices, I decided to move my E1 Shutter controls back to the E1 Hub and connect it via the controller to homey.
Works great so far but there are some issues with the variable formats I wanted to share with you.

Position slider:
Seems to work in 0/100 format instead of 0/1
Thus the position shows either 0 or 1% instead of 0-100%.

Battery status
Same issue
Battery level is 100% but status shows 1%.

Maybe it’s easier to just add a setting for the device to let people manually chose wich format?

It should work according to the standards, if not, my app makes a wrong turn somewhere.

Sliders works okay with dim (which are 0-1 in Homey and 0-100 in Homekit), same goes for battery.

If you can do the command for position again and PM me the log afterwards

Hey Martin,

thanks for the quick response, idk why but I think the aqara motors are doing it somehow differently, I had the same issues when transferring them to HASS using the official homey aqara app and MQTT, I had to use custom settings

E.g. I change the opening to 30% in Aqara, the device shows 0.3% in Homey

I tried creating a diagnostics report but I always get an error „rate limited“…homey restart didn’t help…

will push 1.1.5 in a sec, then try again

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On store in test now:

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Damn that was so fast! Thanks! Battery status is fixed! Position still 0.08% instead of 8%

But the slider itself seems to be correct. Like the slider positions, when I drag to ~25% it goes to 25% but shows 0% as description and 0.25 as position status

Edit: while dragging the slider, the description is correct, but once I let go it shows 0%.

I also realized that the device property of position cannot be set via flow cards

can you PM me the log (app settings, log, copy clipboard)

Of course! Thanks a ton :slight_smile:

With 0.25 as status i guess you mean on the screen below?


When using the slider, it does execute correctly on your curtains?

Yes, while dragging it shows the correct number and sets the blinds correctly but doesn’t show the correct values afterwards it’s weird

But I realized the device type cannot be controlled by the flow cards anyway or at least it cannot set any position variables

Currently i only have a generic THEN card for capabilities that have on/off and enum values. Still need to come up with a generic one for range/numbers like the set position for the curtain. So in my opinion there can be a card for setting a position.

Hope to have fixed the transform to a right value in the sensor screen. Will be pushed in a next update.

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You’re amazing thank you Martin! :hugs:

can you check if 1.1.6 fixes your issue? I cannot test it myself

I do have 10 Nanoleaf bulbs here (LINK), they are “Homekit over Thread”.

Today I clarified with Homey that “Thread” on Homey means “Matter over Thread” - no (direct) support for my devices. However, with the “Homekit Controller” I believe I can add them, correct? Unlike “Thread over Matter” (11 digit code) my bulbs have a 8-digit code…

I hoped I just need to add the device…

I don’t see any bulbs, when trying to add them via a Pairing code…I get “M4: Error: 2 => Incorrect PIN”…

I do not have any Apple Infrastructure. Do I miss something? Am I thinking in the wrong direction?
