Hey guys
I just bought my Homey pro and want to achieve one simple task: To control my Apple Homekit devices with it. However I can only add Homey as a bridge to control the connected devices from Homey but not vice versa. Is there a way to do this?
Background: I can control things as my door sensors only via Homekit but want to be able to control it via Homey as well. They are “Eve” things and they is no way to connect it with other services like an App or Google assistant
No sorry, there are no Homekit Controller implementations for Homey.
Hey thanks for reply. Yeah I read some other threads that you once started creating an app but abandoned it / Homey. Thats so sad. Looks I am gonna have to send it back, wont spend 400€ for something I cant even use 
This is my dilemma too. I’m interested in starting with some simple home automation and I’m fond of Apple, and I have an AppleTV (prolly buy the Homepod when it starts speaking and answering in Dutch). But with so many other, non-Homekit apparatusus around, Homey would fit the bill ofd connecting them all.
I know that the Homekit status in Homey is experimental but I hoped that by now enough people using Homey could be more positive about Homey and Homekit.
I’m using HomeKit only to control all my devices… aqara, random humidifiers from China, starlights, Curtains and Somfy sunscreens/motors, heck even my Tesla; literally everything that wasn’t “HomeKit certified” I made available through Homey. Saved me a tremendous amount of money and everything listens to Siri :).
Just a small grasp of all my (cheap) devices and their diversity;
Tbh, don’t know why you would want to use your HomeKit devices to communicate homey as the other way around is so much more powerful …
Because it would be a relatively easy way to get Homey-support for devices that don’t have a Homey app available 
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Without digging into the short list (https://www.apple.com/nl/shop/accessories/all-accessories/homekit) and doing the math, an educated guess is that 95% of the most commonly used HomeKit devices either have an app for homey already or allow IFTTT to achieve your goal.
In the example of the TO; I would suggest selling your eve sensors and getting Xiaomi aqara sensors for a fifth of the price and already you have earned yourself some money :). 40 euros for a door/window sensor just to have a HomeKit approved label on it… and the functionality is limited because HomeKit itself is very limited. I don’t even wanna know what a motion sensor costs.
My 2 cents
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this bug… but Sonos devices does not mapp correctly from Homey to Homekit…
It just turns up as a “Not supported” device…