I’m pretty new to the whole home automation world, if you ignore the time I’ve spent using HomeKit. I have set up Home Assistant on my Synology just to try things out but have to say that I don’t think I want to spend any more time in that part of town, but the thing has at least taught me how things work in the Homey/HomeyKit neighborhood in that you can control HomeKit devices using HomeyKit as a controller and if you do that, you control them exclusively.
But that also means that I lose some functionality if I decide to go down the Homey path, like adaptive lighting, so I started wondering whether I could bridge the gap, so to speak, by creating a virtual HomeKit device and setting a variable in that device to “off” (or whatever) and make the HomeKit hub use that as a condition to control the devices that I have already bought.
I’ve tried Googling this a bit and it seems to be possible to do this the other way around (taking actions in Homey based on external values) but I haven’t found anything that shows a way to tell HomeKit to turn a device on or off based on external triggers…other than moving everything to HomeyKit, where I would be missing some features.
So I guess my question is: is there a way to use the data from apps and sensors controlled by Homey to send signals to the HomeKit ecosystem, without requring repairing and moving all the HomeKit devices to Homey?