[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

New test version 1.5.2:

  • extended Alarm Control Panel:
    Sensors for state and alarm added. The alarm is activated at first alarm trigger and stays active until it’s deactivated using the reset button.
    Buttons to reset the alam or trigger the alarm (for test).
    Flow trigger for triggered and active alarm.



I can’t find Armed at Night (sorry, it’s in Norwegian), but there is no Armed at Night option in the flow?

Currently not.
I grouped all armed states to a common “armed” state to have an simplified state.
I will add a mode condtition card where you can check which mode is set. I think I can add it this weekend.

In the meantime you could use the global tag for the mode capability and check the mode ID.
The mode IDs you can find here:

Thx! The Armed Home is fantastic since you always can turn off lights etc when going to bed.

New test version 1.5.3:

  • Added alarm control panel mode condition. Check in an flow which mode is active.
  • Added ‘update device’ flow action. Use this action to update calculated device capabilities (converter).

@Felix_oslo: If you want to check the set alarm mode, you can use the new condition card now.


In the latest test version I cant change the alarm mode from Homey. It says timeout if I change the alarm mode from the menu. Changing alarm mode from HA is no problem. The connection to HA is fine.


Report: 7f4413a0-58fd-42b1-83ff-c34cbfe57064

Hi, thanks for the report.
I can see your service call:

2023-10-25T06:40:18.082Z [log] [App] callService: domain: alarm_control_panel | service: "alarm_disarm" | data:  { entity_id: 'alarm_control_panel.verisure_alarm', code: '' }  target:  undefined

and an error as result from HA:

2023-10-25T06:40:43.927Z [log] [App] callService error: {
  code: 'unknown_error',
  message: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'"

This error message should also be visible in your flow hovering over the error icon - just fyi.

Can you please check if the service works in HA (developer tools) or if the service also errors in HA?

As far as I can see, no error messages…

I have to admit that I’m not very experienced in HA, I did not get any error messages. Was this the correct place to look?

Is this Yaml code?

I meant the HA GUI where you can select the domain/service and add the entity as shown in my screenshot.

Open developer tools:

Go to “services” and delect the domain/service

Then insert your entity_id into the JSON code like shown in my screenshot above.

Btw…Are you using a PIN code? I haven’t seen in the log, that a code was used. Can you please check the device settings if your PIN code is set?
With my “virtual” alarm control panel with defined PIN I get a readable error message like “code not submitted”.

Oh lord! Sorry! The PIN code was set, but somehow it was gone. Works fine now. If it’s possible to have a “save” button in the Homey interface when storing the code, it would look more intuitive, ex it says “saved” or Ok. Sorry about the extra work I made for you.

No problem. I’m glad to help.

In WebApp, you can edit the values directly and hit the save button.
In mobile app you have to select a setting, change the value, go back and then hit the save button.

The PIN should stay. Have you removed and readded the device? In this case the PIN is needed again.
But the error message from the HA integratio is not helpful at all. A hint about the missing PIN would be nice.
You can test this with a service call in HA developer tools without a code. I think you should see a similar error then.

The only thing I did was downloading the test version and the device stayed. I guess the PIN in Homey was lost during the test version download.

Regarding the test in HA, if you want me to do a test, I will do my best. I’m just so super happy when the developer actually answer the users… :pray:

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Is it possible to show the state of the alarm (Armed, Disarmed, Armed Home etc) in the icon itself?

No, it’s only possible to select boolean (alarm) or numeric capabilities for the tile state.
The state is a string capability (enum/fixed value list).

Hm, the PIN is standard device settings and should not be cleared on app update.
If this happens again, please give me a feedback.

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Hi Ronny, I don’t think he meant the tile state, but the capability with the name ‘State’ as in ‘Alarm State’.

The web and mobile app (as of v7.4) can show text values on tiles, but you know that ofc.
This is from a ‘Presence’ device:

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That is correct - thx!

Yes, I meant the state capability.
But it’s an enum capabiity and Athom only allows string capabilities.
I ask Athom first on Slack…

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Ah I see. I obviously don’t know the difference between enum and string :crazy_face:

Hehe, a string is plain text. An enum is a list of IDs and translated descriptions to have a nice text in the sensor view.

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