[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

There you can find details about the HA device…

If a device has several entities, they a shown the device (as icon and value). Invthis case you can click the icon, open details (gear icon) and copy the entity id.

And here you can get details about the entities.

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New test version 1.4.32:

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Hi, a short answer…
It’s possible to add a dehice, but

  • the alarm entities are using dynamic modes in HA (the possible alarm states)
  • Homey only supports fixed mode lists (picker GUI element)
  • That means if a mode list is shown in Homey, all possible HA modes are listed. But you can only use the modes supported by your entity
  • In flow actions I could add a dynamic mode selection using the autocomplete field

That means you ‘can’ select invalid modes in Homey device but this will result in a service error (error message in Homey GUI) when trying to set the mode for the HA entity.
That’s just a limitation, but more a visual problem.

Sounds good. :slight_smile:
Would be great if you could implement this, since the development of the Homey Verisure app has stopped and is no longer working. :slight_smile:

Sorry, a bit more newbee than a lot of you, but I have a pulldown menu created under “helpers” with three choices in HA, can this be implemented in the existing version today?

The menu in HA looks like this:

And the Homey device should look something like this:

This would temporarily fix a lot of problems not just with Verisure but a lot of other issues as well.

I have an issue with 1 device.
I added ambilight from my Philips TV which is in HA as a light, it has an on/off toggle and light level.

In Homey i can turn the Ambilight OFF and it response, buth when i toggle it ON again nothing happens, in HA the toggle stays OFF but in Homey it is ON.
When i use the toggle switch in HA itself the ambilight turns on.
SO the device in HA works normally, but in Homey i can only turn it OFF but not ON again.

I added a seperate entity with the same function as an other device, here the problem is exactly reverse, i can turn it OFF but not ON again in Homey…


Is there a way to fix this so the function in Homey works ON and OFF?

If it’s “select” entity, you can add it to a device via repair view…but it’s still not possible to show a list element in the GUI.
You can only select an entry via flow.

Please give me a few days for the alarm device. That will save you a lot of work.

A light entity is different to a switch entity. And is has additional elements for light settings. And these domains are using different services. Perhaps the light needs an adjustment of dim value on on/off.

I suggest to add the entity as light device. So you get all possible light controls including dim, color, temperature and the flows.

I did not see that you where going to implement it, super duper thx!!! I have used many hours to get something up and running with different scenes etc, but it is not stable and not usable over time.

So running into login issues, no matter what I do, even fully reinstall HA on a Pie, I am unable to sign in. Doesn’t matter what browser I use, how many keyes i generate, format the server name, or how long I take to copy and paste the info, I keep getting an authorization issue. Thoughts? Appologize if i’m just being a big dummy.

Error in HA:
Logger: urllib3.connectionpool
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:823
First occurred: 9:19:18 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:19:18 PM

Retrying (Retry(total=5, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by ‘ReadTimeoutError(“HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=49153): Read timed out. (read timeout=3.0)”)’: /timesyncservice.xml

System versions:
Homey: 10.0.8
Home Assistant Community: v1.4.29
Home Assistant 2023.10.3
Supervisor 2023.10.0
Operating System 11.0
Frontend 20231005.0 - latest

Yes, I looked first at the possibilities and to give a feedback about what can be expected.
I hope I have some time this weekend to add the device.

Hm, hard to say…
The error from HA seems to be something internal.
Do you get an error in Homey pair view, too? Did you insert the full Url to your HA server like “http://192.168.x.x:8123” including the http and the port?

Based on your error message I think Homey can connect, but there are errors on HA side. But I haven’t seen this before. I use HA as docker and have no experience with RasPi and HA supervisor system.

I allready did that, but when i use it as switch then it does not turn OFF, only ON, so exactly the reverse of the other option…

Ok, so you added the light entity as light device:

And using the quick action doesn’t work:

You can check in HA developer tools if calling the light service is working of not:

The Homey app uses the services light.turn_on and light.turn_off
So calling these services should result in the same behaviour like using the ligth device in Homey.

I am excited if this works for your HA entity or if it results in the same issue (not turning off).

Edit: I think if using onoff capability for the light, the turn_on service will turn on the ligth, but perhaps with dim level 0.
If you add the ligth teh first time, it can happen that the dim level is not synced from HA. You can try to dim the light in Homey, the witch on/off should work and the light should “remember” the dim level.
Problem is that some lights dim to 0 if it’s switched off. So when switching on from Homey, the device needs to dim up to the previous value again. Perhaps that’s ignored by the light integration and it doen’t dim up when switching on. Perhas it needs an explizit dim level. So you can try additionally to turn on and then set a dim level from Homey.


But it turn OFF, but it is impossible to turn it ON again…
I added a second device, as a switch and here is exactly reverse, here I can turn it ON but not OFF…

Both devices do NOT update the status in Homey, so when i turn it OFF via the light then in Homey it is still on, in HA it is off (and the device respond and turns ambilight off), also the switch option in Homey is ON, in HA it is OFF…

Normally I would use the Philisp TV app of Homey to control the device, but that app is not supported anymore add has pairing issue. My new TV simply cannot be connected with the Homey Philips app.
HA had not problem at all connecting to my new TV, so my idea was to use the HA app to add the TV (ambilight functions) to Homey this way…

Can you please check the entity state in HA innon and off state?

At the loment I have no idea what’s wrong because I can"t reproduce the issue with my lights. So we habe to try some consteölations step ba step.

I am not sure what you mean or how to do that or what to look for exactly in HA.

In HA itself the entity/device options re working normally, when i toggle/use them in HA the device does exactly what the entity shows me.

Only when toggled in Homey the entity in HA does not respond and the device is not triggered correctly.
So in HA itself everything works fine, only the created device in Homey is working half.

So now I am not sure what to check in HA exactly, can you explain to me what to look for or which info you exactly need?

Open the HA developer tools:

Select “state” page.
Enter the entity id. Then you can check the entity state.

Please toggle your light to on and off and check if the entity state is “on” or “off”.

Yeah, since i was getting a error log in HA, I assumed it was something with the HA system and not HP or the Community Module. Though, i did a fresh install of HA and did no other config of the system besides creating the token. I normally would use docker for this but i’m between home lab setups and figured I keep HA as its own hardware.

I did almost every permutation I could think of for the IP address. The login screen is clear in what it needs but i did other versions just in case. But since its hitting the HA logs, it must not be the IP.

Then i figured it could be the token, so i made different ones and used various ways of copying and pasting it. Just to rule out any rogue data since the login is all dots. I noticed in another post that you mentioned the prompt can be time sensitive, so I tried different wait times, anything from 3 sec (using an autofill generator) to 5 min. Nothing seemed different.

I will try spinning up HA in docker just to rule things out.

HOWEVER, one of the big reasons for wanting to try this App is for a particular piece of hardware that HA sees clearly but HP has a hard time understanding what to do with it (either natively or via Athom developed app). It is the eWeLink ZB-SW02 its a dual dry relay that uses zigbee. When i connect the device directly or via Athom’s HA app, i can only see the primary device and not the 2nd. It also doesn’t see the status of the switches.

Would that be something your integration would be able to reveal to homey? I am more than happy to help in the process of enabling such a device. It’s strange to me that we don’t see more support for sub node devices. Ie: Primary node 10.0, 2nd node 10.1 and so on.

UPDATE: I just spun up a docker with HA… same results, though this time I don’t see anything in the HA log but it still reports. “The provided credentials are not valid.”