[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

I did start the Aarlo HA integration a few minutes after 10.00. Looks like the memory usage grows a bit.

I will update app to newest version and check again.

Test version 1.4.30 + 1.4.31:

  • Test for snapshot trigger in camera devices. Added in 1.4.30 but removed in 1.4.31 because HA doesnā€™t change the snaphot URL un snapshot reading
  • Added extended log settings for HA events. You can log events to the app log. Please use it only for debugging, not permanently
  • Added crash log for memory/cpu usage issues

Thatā€™s still very low and such small changes are normal.
Itā€™s possible that HA sends the whole entity list if entities are added that can cause a little peak in memory usage.

Thereā€™s not a lot of entity updates for the cameras.

If that happens again, please check the device details if itā€™s a problem in HA connection. In this case there should be a message in device details. This can be fixed hopefully with the ā€œReconnectā€ button in device settings.
If the app is atopped without any information in device details, it could be a memory issue. Then you shouled see a high peak in app memory chart at thi stime (>70MB).

App is now updated to v1.4.31.
Iā€™m not sure if device details are available if the device is unavailable, but I will check if it happends again.

By the way. I never had this issue until v1.4.30.

The changes added with 1.4.30 are removed in 1.4.31. Perhaops the HA integration triggered URL changes too often and that caused Homey to trigger the flow (including the image token and reading the snapshot. Too many images in a short time could raise memory usage.
But thatā€™s just an assumption.

If devices get unavaible caused by HA or a broken connection therre shoul be a text in device details.

Or the app got stopped. This should be visible in app details (or was vidible in old mobile app, donā€™t know the current state).

I guess it was due to memory usage.

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And now itā€™s calm and friendly again?

I think so. Letā€™s see during the day. I disabled the HA aarlo integration yesterday morning. There has been no new massive memory usage buildup since then. Now the newest app version is installed on Homey and HA Aarlo integration is activated. I will update you later on today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hmmm familiar graph you show there

But it seems okay again since midnight-ish

Itā€™s on v1.4.31 since this version was rolled out.

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Yes, indeed @Peter_Kawa
I guess you restarted the Homey app at each graph top?
In my case the memory usage now seemes to have stabilized below 30MB.

Strange to see such menory usage only caused by reading of snapshot images.

So if anyone needs the snapshot in a flow (motion detected by another sensor), just use the image token of the camera device to send a push information. In this case, the image is read from the camera.

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I didnā€™t touch it :blush:
I donā€™t use cam snapshots.
The only time the app got restarted on purpose, was when v1.4.31 got auto-installed.

The last several days I noticed some sluggishness every now and then, and I saw ā€œHA is offlineā€ messages from Netscan.
That can be all kinds of issues, but a Homey HAC app restart cannot terminate the actual connection.
While Iā€™m fiddling a lot, I first thought it was just one of my systems choking :roll_eyes::sleeping:

All looks normal on my side now. I see the memory usage is growing, but very slowly. Iā€™m still on about 29MB. I consider the issue fixed.

Thanks, again! :grinning:


Could you please add alarm entity?
I want to be able to control my Verisure alarm through Homeyā€¦ :slight_smile:

Can you please post a screenshot of your alarm device/entity/entities from HAs developer tools (including state and attributes)? I just want to see the technical details behind.

Sure, If you give me an explanation howā€¦ :slight_smile: Not very familiar with Homeassistantā€¦
Is this available through the iPhone app?