[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

Can you show the HA device entity states?
Goto ‘Developer Tools’ and then tab ‘State’ and enter the device name to get an overview.
Looks like this

Maybe the power entity is still disabled/hidden in the device config?
Sometimes, after adding a new device, you have to enable/unhide certain (diagnostic) entities for some reason:

The main differenz between Homey and HA is:

  • Homey device includes all attributes (capabilities) in one device.
  • HA has only entities that represents a domain (like a ‘type’ of device/value). The domains defines what type is it (switch, sensor…) and defines a set of standard attributes an services. The HA device is only a group of entities.

To import a HA ‘device’ to Homey the easiest way is:

  • add the main entity as device. This depends on your HA device and what it represets). So perhaps start with the switch entity and add it as switch device.
  • Then go to device settbgs and check the entities you want to show up in your Homey device (sensors, switches, buttons).

A more complex way (but more flexible) is to add entities in repair view of a device.
You can also start with an empty ‘custom’ device in Homey and add all enties one by one.

Thank you both for your reply. However, it seems as if the question has been answered by Homey/HA itself.
For devices that had a value for energy yesterday, it disappeared today. Without me having changed anything in HA or Homey. So I will leave at that for now :unamused:


I have re-created two entities this morning (‘Droogkast’ & ‘Wasmachine’). They show and energy value. Curious to see if it will still be showing tomorrow.

Hi ,
Can you plz elaborate a bit more on ‘device settings’.
Where can I find this ? HA or Homey?

If it’s similar to Miele, the the device is showing the expected usage and current usage during the program. If you want sum up the energy, you can use the “Power by the hour” app. Check the app store for this app.

Is the energy usage for a Miele device also apperaring and disappearing?

Ok, let’s start here:

That’s an easy way to add an HA entity as Homey device and add all other sensors from the HA device to the Homey device.

A more flexible but even more compley way is adding the entities one by one. This way you can change the label and also add an entity as “main capability”. That measn a energy sensor is added as measure_power than measure_power.entity_id to be able to use this capability in other apps (like Power-by-the-hour). If there are more than one energy measure, only one can be added as main capability, other must be added as subcapability.

I hope the linked posts will guide you. For further questions, just ask :wink:

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Yes, it only shows the current energy usage of the current washing program (like shown at the washing machine display). It’s a measure, no meter.
If the program ends, the energy measure is cleared.

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Hmmm, that sounds very logical, Ronny, but I didn’t see this functionality before, and I would be scratching my head also about disappearing status indicators…
Mostly the tiles with power measuring just show the value 0W when no power is used :wink:

Is this HA app specific, or new Homey functionality?
Thx bro!

No, it’s Miele specific.
And yes, I made a little mistake. It’s a temporary meter value (for current program) in kWh.

Here is a screenshot from the Homey device (Homey Miele app):
There is an estimated energy usage an energy usage for current program.

So I thougt this could be also possible for other washing machines (Homey/HA). It depends on the values the device (or the API) offers.

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I tried to reproduce this error.
It seems the error lines were caused by an error deleting the current icon. But I could not get your error situation. I think there happened something while storing the icon in while pairing the device.

Perhaps the issue is caused by closing the “paired” window too fast. The device gets added while this window is shown and if it’s closed manually then it’s an interrupted pair process and the already stored icon get’s removed. Perhaps this happened accitentially (click next to the popup) after the device was added but the process (popup closed) was not finished.

I changed the icon exchange process, so it’s not relevant if the old icon does not exists.
It should now upload new new icon.

Please try test version 1.4.29.

Change the icon again in repair view, then restart the app (icons are cached by Homey).

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Thank you very much; very insightfull!!
I understand the possibilities a lot better, after your mail.

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Thanks Ronny, it works, I just wonder if the issue was not in the app restart… but I can confirm, no error in the log and icon change works. Thank you !

update one out of 6 devices actually throw error…after 3rd attempt it changed the icon.
But don’t worry, this isn’t probably the most important functionality :wink:

[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:44 [Driver:sensor] onRepair()
[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:3 [Driver:sensor] Pairing is finished
[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:1 [Driver:sensor] Icon reamed: from /userdata/sensor.xiaomi_miflora_illuminance_buxus_right_temp.svg to/userdata/sensor.xiaomi_miflora_illuminance_buxus_right.svg
[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:1 [Driver:sensor] Error removing device icon. Perhaps only driver icon was used. Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/userdata/sensor.xiaomi_miflora_illuminance_buxus_right.svg'
[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:1 [Driver:sensor] Change icon for ID sensor.xiaomi_miflora_illuminance_buxus_right
[log] 2023-10-03 20:18:1 [Driver:sensor] setRemoteIcon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-SVG/master/svg/pine-tree.svg
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Lo and behold! Without being familiar with HA I have managed to set it up on an old pi, install a couple of integrations and got my Thermia heat pump (air/water) connected to Homey via this great app. For the most part it all seams to work well, except for the Mode switch. In Homey (developer) there is a capability “water_heater_mode” but the picker list is all wrong. Seems to be sort of a default list, not coming from the device. In HA the entity “water_heater.lovas” has the correct “operation_list”. Using a flow the ThenCard “Change to Mode” holds the correct list - and its possible to change mode that way.

Anything to do about it? A nasty bug perhaps!



it’s not a bug, but by design (from Athom). Mode lists shown in the GUI must be predefined in the app (fixed list). So all such lists only include HAs default values.

If an integration uses a custom mode list, you can set a mode via flow action card where you can dynamically select a mode from your entity (auto complete field).
That’s the only way to use custom lists.

Ok, thanks for Your reply! I will fiddle around some more and see what I can do.


Hi @RonnyW . Version 1.4.30 crashes about once a day. All HA devices becomes unavailable. Restart app and it runs fine for about a day. I disabled my Aarlo Camera integration i HA. No crashes since that. This is just for information as I see you allready made v1.4.31 avalable that adresse this.
I disabled auto update to new version for the moment. I am still on v1.4.30 in case you want my help regaring testing…

Can you see a crash reason? Memory or CPU usage?

I did not check for that, but I can enable the HA camera integration again and try to provoke a crash by generate several snapshots. It may take a while… OK?

Please install the new test version. It removes the camera snapshot trigger, that was not working as intended because HA does not update te URL on new snapshot reading.
The new version also includes a kind of crash report caused by memory issues.

In addition you could check if the Arlo integration is perhaps flooding the interface with entity updates. You can check the app statistics in repair view if you get a lot of entity updates in a short time

Thanks for your help :+1: