[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

Yeah, that’s a kind of special integration for this device.
The HA app must be generic as much as possible to keep support for all HA stuff.
That’s why I won’t add special device support directly.

But if you add a Hue tap integrationto HA (I’ve seen a integration to add directly usable events to HA but don’t know the name - perhaps @JB2K knows it?), you perhaps can use these events instead od HAs raw events.

I have it as a sensor that displays the current “waarde”

But I have mine trough Z2m but should be the same

When I am trying to add new sensor to HP23, I have only hue Battery sensor and nothing more.

In my HA I have few more entities (see picture).

Hie tap is not a sensor. You can

  • use custom integrations to get a HA sensor (that changes its state based on the events)
  • make custom automations to change a helper entity state based on events
  • use HA raw events (my example)

If you want to get an easier way to work with sucv events, you have to search for spacial HA integrations doing for you what you would do with Homey flows.

Aren’t you using a custom HA integration to get direct events in HA (one click, long click…)?

I haven’t used such integrations yet, just use raw events in Homey flows. But perhaps your way is an easier way to get easier start.

It’s build in now!

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I use this app sometime now, and it’s really a lifesaver!

Now I wanted to add my LG TV’s that are integrated in Home Assistant to Homey. I want to do it this way, because the LG integration in Homey is broken for me. The HA integration works flawlessly, like a lot of HA integrations.

There is no ‘TV’ option I can choose when adding a new device using this app. I can choose ‘Media Player’ but this does not give me the option to turn the TV on or off.

Thank you!

Yes, TVs are media players in HA. And it depends on the feature attribute, which features a media entity supports.
If I remember right, the LG doesn’t support on/off feature. It’s using HDMI-CEC or WoL from HA.

I think you have to add WoL support in HA. But I don’t know the details. If it’s possible to add a new entity using WoL integration, you could add this entity as switch or button to your media device in Homey.
Perhaps @JB2K can support again? :sweat_smile:

@RonnyW , not sure if someone asked already but is there some easy way to combine sensors ?
Eg. I’m trying to import from ESPHOME BLE Xiaomi Flora devices but seems it’s 6x6 entities for each sensor.


Is there some other way, except of using CUSTOM DEVICE and search and add each and every entity separately ?

Thank you

When you add f.i. ‘moisture Buxus left’ as sensor (which will be the main capability), you can afterwards add all related device sensors (and switches/buttons), by entering the device settings, and tick 1 or 2 boxes: “Show device sensors” and optionally “Show device diagnostic sensors”

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Thank you Peter, indeed I have forgotten about that option but in this case it do not work unfortunately. It’s one device with 38 entities… I see you have your Xiaomi Flora’s added into HA as well, if it’s also via ESPHOME - would you mind to share your YAML, mostly this part ? Otherwise I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for me this time.

  - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01
    mac_address: 'c4:7c:8d:67:b3:2a'
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Temperature Buxus left"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Moisture Buxus left"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Illuminance Buxus left"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Soil Conductivity Buxus left"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Battery Level Buxus left"
  - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01
    mac_address: 'c4:7c:8d:6c:96:6f'
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Temperature Strawberry"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Moisture Strawberry"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Illuminance Strawberry"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Soil Conductivity Strawberry"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Battery Level Strawberry"
  - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01
    mac_address: 'c4:7c:8d:6d:d7:77'
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Temperature Cactus"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Moisture Cactus"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Illuminance Cactus"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Soil Conductivity Cactus"
      name: "Xiaomi MiFlora Battery Level Cactus"

Hi @Sharkys,
If you add all Sensors this way to HA I think you get all values as single sensor entity, but no HA device grouping these sensors.

In this case, you only can add all ‘main’ sensors as a Homey device and then add the additional sensors for every device in repair view. Or just start with ‘custom device’ and add sensors via repair view.
The advantage of this way of adding:
You can change the capability name and add a entity as main capability, so it’s recognized by other apps.


My flower sensors are used with a Ble USB dongle :wink:

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There is an ESPhome app.
It’s definitely not done yet but you’d could check to see if it works for you

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Yeah, I noticed but problem is I can’t avoid HA and lacking performance/memory for additional apps :frowning: (yep, on HP23)

I did it with the HA Compound and add it to the homey.yaml
In HA the Xiaomi flora devices are add through the ESP32 BLE Proxy,
So maybe this will help. Working fine for me :wink:

name: “Pflanze01”
measure_temperature: sensor.pflanze01_temperature
measure_humidity: sensor.pflanze01_soil_moisture
measure_co: sensor.pflanze01_conductivity
measure_luminance: sensor.pflanze01_illuminance
measure_battery: sensor.pflanze01_battery
measure_generic.water: plant.pflanze01.moisture_status
measure_generic.conductivity: plant.pflanze01.conductivity_status
measure_generic.temperature: plant.pflanze01.temperature_status
measure_generic.illuminance: plant.pflanze01.illuminance_status
measure_temperature: Temperatur
measure_humidity: Feuchtigkeit
measure_co: Dünger
measure_luminance: Helligkeit
measure_battery: Batterie
measure_generic.water: Feuchtigkeit
measure_generic.conductivity: Dünger
measure_generic.temperature: Temperatur
measure_generic.illuminance: Helligkeit
measure_co: µS/cm

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Ronny thank you for the details, after all suggestions, I ended up with adding it first as sensor and then repairing. It was confusing for me when the 1st added entity can’t be edited but I found the way.


Btw, is it possible that changing the icon do not work ?

[log] 2023-10-01 24:17:25 [Driver:sensor] setRemoteIcon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-SVG/master/svg/pine-tree.svg
[log] 2023-10-01 24:17:25 [Driver:sensor] Error changeing device icon filename. Error: path_old is not defined

@Peter_Kawa looks great, unfortunately running HA as Docker on Synology…it looks like that BLE dongle support require recompile of kernel on Synology…

Thanks, luckily I found location where all my Flora sensors are reachable but your setup looks really great ! 28 sensors, it must be a pain to replace all batteries in it :wink:

Adding the entity as device (sensor), the ‘main’ entity is not changeable, because it’s the base element for this device.
Adding a custom device, you can add/remove every entity as you want.


  • sensor device: you get flow for the main entity you can directly use
  • custom device: you can only use generic flows where you have to select the entity.

I’lk check the issue of icon change.
You selected a custom.icon on adding, right? Only in this case it’s possible to change it afterwards. But else the button would be inactive…

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Make sense, I was expecting at least to see it “read only” but it’s true it’s in the device details… it’s just beginner thought :thinking:

Yep and it’s not possible to change it later via maintenance function.

Some devices also have multiple sensors integrated. E.g. power, voltage and enery metering.
When integrated directly into Homey, these are available.
When integrated into Homey via HomeAssistant, they are no longer available.
Below an example.

Ho do I get the energy value into the Homey entity?
Do I need expert programming skills to realise this?