[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

Hi, I have a LG ThinQ airco added to HomeAssistant and integrated to Homey with this app. I can control the mode and temperature.

I can’t check Jet mode, Ionizer and fan speed with IF and THEN functions within flows. I can control the fan speed with the THEN function but can’t control the Jet mode and Ionizer. All the functionalities are available in HA itself.

I also can’t control Jet mode, fan speed and Ionizer within the device itself (see screenshots)

As you can see I only have temperature and mode control

And with flows I want to create a flow something like this:


Is this possible to integrate?

It depends on the used HA integration.
The app uses stabdard attributes defined by the climate domain.
Some modes are using default values (as modes must be predefined in the app). Some further modes that are listly dependent on the integration can only be used in flows because they have custom value lists. Such custom lists can only ve shown in flow cards autocomplete lists.

If you don’t find your modes in these cards, then it surely a custom attribute or a sensor/select entity.
In this case it’s not part of the HA climate domain. Then the only way will be to add these values as sensor.
Can you check in HAs developer tools, where these modes are stored? Is it an attribute of the climate entity or a single entity independent of your climate? You can provide screenshots of your HA device showing the assigned entities and the entity details (state, attributes) from developer tools.

IF cards and current values:
Not for all values IF cards are implemented. But you should find a global tag for these capabilities (if it’s added as standard climate attribute) to use in logic cards (IF tag is equal/greater than…)

Hi Ronny, thanks for your reply!

These are indeed stored as sensors. there are more sensors available to make use of. Are these the correct ones?

I am using logic flows for some scenario’s and that is working fine.

I am already happy with this app and thank you for your work! It would be perfect if I can get these sensors working within flows with IF, AND, THEN function and manually control/check within the device itself.

Switches and sensor can easily be added in device settings if they are assigned to the HA device the climate entity belongs to.

Or you add the. manually one by one in device maintenance actions / repair view.

Both ways will add switches and sensors t your device. Switches can be controlled directly in the GUI or via flow.
There is a trigger, too where you can select a sensor capability you want to react on. This card offers tags of different types you can use in the flow in logic tags.

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as new cool kind on the block , can we improve this fp2 sensor experience. maybe native device , better trigger / condition names

like to do presence as action and light level as condition

let me know if you need more info.

Hi Edwin,
Did you tick the first four boxes (Advanced settings)?

When I added my custom occupancy sensor, all matching sensors and buttons were added this way.

yes it was mainly about the flow condition for lux. and maybe not show the other entities

Ah right, you wrote about that :laughing::wink:
Mea culpa

I added this PIR similar way (as motion sensor, and the tick the boxes).
It has lux triggercards and Logic condion tags
(many apps don’t have conditional cards for each and every capability, you can use the Logics cards for that).

These are the available HA app conditional cards (it’s a simple PIR with lux sensor):

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Hi @Edwin_Biemond
I can add native devices for standard HA domains to support their attributes/services.

In your case Peters hint is the best way to go.
The main capability (the ‘device’ you added) gets it’s own trigger and conditions. The other generic sensors get generic trigger and conditions. Add the “value (text) is” or “value (numeric) is” card dependent on the data type of your sensor. Then select the entity in the autocomplete field.
This way you can use one card for all your sensors.
And in addition you can use standard logic cards and global tags.

Same qay you can act with buttons and switches. There is a action card with a similar autocomplete entity selection.

I hope this will solve your questions. Please ask if you have further questions.

One additional question…
You added the binary sensor of your FP2 as sensor device, right?
And this device got the “generic alarm” capability?

Could you please make a screenshot of the sensor attributes in HAs developer tools? I would like to know what class tjis entity uses.
And I wonder if alarm_motion could be better even if it’s presence sensor and not a real motion sensor. But in usage it’s similar. So alarm_motion could be easier to use.

A few times per week I need to restart the HA app in Homey because no device is responding.
Is there a good way to deliver you the logs?

You can create a dignostic report.
And you can check the log yourself in device maintenance / repair view.

It sounds like a disconnected websocket connection. The app itself checks the connection every 30min and is doing a reconnect. So I hope to find some details in the log.

Thanks, I will check this as it happens again.

If the app really crashes, you should see details in app settings page, too. If it’s only a vonnection issue, you should see it in app log (device settings, maintenance, repair, app log).

yes as sensor and generic alarm indeed

Thanks, then I can map the device class “occupancy” to alarm_motion. I think that’s more intuitive.


Ah there’s the difference, my sensor has class Motion, so that explains why it was added as alarm_motion @ my Homey

did 2 times update on fp2 and used HomeKit Controller on ha (latest) maybe that make a difference

New test version 1.3.3

  • Fixed type check of HA sensors without device class to preset correct capability (numeric or aphlanumeric)
  • Added device class “occupancy” for binary sensors. This will be added as alarm_motion now.

@Edwin_Biemond: If you want to try to re-add your FP2 sensor…