[APP][Pro] Govee

I just released a fix for this to the test, should hit production as soon as possible.
Made a device type copy paste error there.

For everyone
I will only take requests for devices that contain:

  1. The product link to the Govee product page
  2. A reference to a similar looking device, in other words: look at the product icons I have created in the app and tell me what product icon would be good for your device.
  3. And a proof of API support by Govee, look at their API (should be supplied to you when you request the API key)

I will no longer spend the time to look into these research items myself. My personal needs for this app were resolved with version 1.0 and I also have a full time job next to my wife and kids (whom one has disabilities take consumes a lot of time).

The Git repository is open also, go ahead an clone it. I made adding new devices rather simple:
You copy the device folder of a device that uses similar icons, you rename the folder to the correct device number and open de following files:

  • device.js
  • driver.js
    And change the old device number in there to the new one
  • driver.compose.json
    Change the device number, the name and the reference to its icons

Next update the icons.
Use the product page images from Govee to grabe a goodquality one, and resize them into the standard required sizes by homey
Use a tool like mindscape to modify the svg if required.

I take any improved svg graphics from the community.
So lets do this as a community please.

Once done, send me a pull request from your clone, I will review and publish asap.

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