[APP][Pro&Cloud] Tibber

This is a thread for Tibber app (Homey Pro&Cloud).

The thread is created by community and not by Tibber itself. That means it’s not monitored by Tibber and not an official support thread.
Use it for discussion about Tibber app with other community members.

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The Tibber app uses oAuth for API access. That prevents local installation because you don’t know the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from env.json.

I provided a code change to use a private access token for API authentification.
While my PR is not released as test version you can use my fork from GitHub - RonnyWinkler/com.tibber.athom: Tibber app for Athom Homey

Steps needed:

  • Download from Github
  • Login at https://developer.tibber.com/ and get your opersonal access token.
  • Create the env.json file and insert the token: { ACCESS_TOKEN: xxxxx }
  • Install needed node modules and TypeScript libraries
  • Run the app (homey app run) or install on Homey (Homey app install)

You can now install the app locally and add functionalities to provide PRs for Tibber (hoping they will be released).

My current Tibber version (fork) addes a Homey widget.
Check pull request #105.


If you want to try, you have to install the app locally with your private access token. See previous post for details.


Hello, I’m experiencing an issue with the Tibber app; it doesn’t display any flow cards. I believe this may be because I don’t own a Tibber product. My subscription begins on 01-01-2025. Will it function then? Could someone assist or explain this issue to me?

This is not an official TIbber support thread.

But my experience:
My subscription starts in 2 weeks. With your Tibber account you can already add the “Home” device to get price information.
If you already ordered and installed Pulse device, you can already add the “Pulse” device to Homey to get realtime usage. This needs a digital energy meter with IR sensor.

When I try to connect to the ‘Home,’ no devices are found. Why is that?

Without any information nobody can answer your question…

  • How did you subscribe to Tibber? Via tibber or comparison portal? Do you have a confirmation about change of provider?
  • Did you add your “home” in Tibber mobile app?
  • Can you see your home and price details in Tibber app?

I subscribed to Tibber through their own app. I’m not sure what you mean by “connecting home in the Tibber app,” but I can see everything in my Tibber app. The Tibber app on Homey can’t pick up any flow cards, so I also can’t access any information about prices.

I also had to wait till the contract startdate. For the pulse device it is available before the startdate. The home device wasn’t available.

Ah, thank you, that is very helpful information.

@RonnyW, since you’ve looked into the Tibber App code. I was wondering if there is a possibility to add the option to define at what time the car has to be (fully) charged. For now i have defined some common timeframes via the regular (not Homey) Tibber app , but i would like be able to change those times from within Homey.

I know this isn’t they official Tibber app thread, but you might have some better understanding because the PR you’ve made.

The app only supports the ‘home’, Pulse and Watty.
If you have a Watty and a connected wallbox, it could be possible (haven’t checked).
But in most cases, the wallbox is added to Tibber account. That means it’s a cloud2cloud connection and Tibber backend controls the wallbox via cloud access of your wallbox.
You will only be able to set some variables in Tibber and Tibber backend controls the wallbox without any user interaction.

For the example I used wallbox but same applies to cars.

I have the Wallbox Pulsar max connected, a Hyundai car via Bluelink and Tibber. And Tibber did integrate all of those fine. I was just hoping that we could change settings which are available in the dedicated apps. So no manual changes, but automated based on sensors, presence, calanders, etc.

But thanks for checking.

Have Tibber as supplier and have had Homey Pro for about a year and start now to look for the flow card related to Home (price info) but can’t find them anywhere.
Have a Puls P1 and can see the information from it.
Do I have to activate something in the Tibber app so it showes or is it a setup in Homey Pro.


Have you added it as a device in Homey?


For price related data, you have to add the ‘Home’ device.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Nice work on the widget @RonnyW, hopefully Tibber will incorporate this.

The timeline overlap, see picture. Is it possible to fix?

If I remember right, you can set a ‘wished’ xAxis step size. But the chart will overwrite it.

On a phone I have currently 3 days in the widget with less steps.
I think it also depends on the display resolution/column size.

The data is read from the Home device. So it depends on Tibber data, how many days are shown.