[APP][Pro&Cloud] Tibber

I dont think i did anything, but it changed when prices for updated. Looks good now.

Okey, this looks Great! But how do i get this on my Homey :innocent:

Currently only with some experience with Homey CLI and Node modules and run an app locally.
See post #2

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I skipped step 2 and 3, and just updated it over my existing Tibber app. It worked, but I dont know if it will cause any trouble later on.

Then the env.json with the Tibber API data is kept while installing over. Good to know.


I just order a Tibber subscription for my new home. I’ll start buying power but also delivering back considering we have 10K of KwH yearly.

What I’m missing a bit is how Tibber, my (smart) meter cabinet in my home and Homey Pro relate to each other.

So I guess I want Tibber to just send me the actual rates to Homey Pro so I can create flows to trigger the pool, airconditioning etc. when prices are low or negative.

But how does this work?

Smart cabinet → sends data to tibber → sends data to homey pro via the app?


Smart cabinet → buy a p1 dongle → sends data to Homey pro → homey pro adds prices to usage via app?

Or something else? Or if there are multiple ways what is the most fancy way of doing this? Im thinking in March to but the Homey pro P1 meter but I’m not understanding the basics and the forum topics go (logically) way more in dept about the software & logic.

You add your ‘home’ as device to Homey.
This device updates the price automatically based on your tarrif/location.

You can use flow trigger for a lot of price based triggers.
You can already install the app and add the device with your Tibber account (I already could some weeks before start of delivety). Then you can already play around.

Just the first half of triggers…

So simply put, you enter your credentials in the Tibber/Homey app. And trough the web it gets the prices straight to your homey? That seems kind of logical.

Reagrding the usage (my gains from the panels on the roof) and usage…how do those figures come in trough homey? Also something like: Smart cabinet in my home → sends all data to tibber → tibber sends all this usage data real time to my homey trough the homey tibber app(?).

Can a P1 dongle of Tibber or of Homey itself (realesed in March?) make that easier so it doesnt go trough the ‘cloud’ but rather: smart cabinet > p1 dongle > Homey pro?

Tibber pulse is near realtime (websocket) even it goes through the cloud. No issues yet for some months. But that’s fur realtime usage only.

The price data is independen t from the Pulse. It’s refreshed periodically (so every hour for me). Then the trigger can fire -nor you can use flow conditions.

Your smartmeter only shows the in/out energy. To see your solar data, you need an integration for it in Homey.

Okay so:

Usage of P1 meter → Homey Pro
Price data on top of the usage via cloud via the homey pro app

If it’s like that I find it bizarre that Tibber told me via email support I aboslutely needed the Pulse (and notHOmey’s own upcoming P1 meter for instance) to also get the price data in. Is that bad advice, or do they block that data via the cloud if they do not register their own P1 meter? Both seem equally weird to me :'-).

If you don’t have a smartmeter with LTE (that sends data to your power porivider), you need the Pulse to get dynamic prices. Because only the Pulse transfers your usage to Tibber in that case.
And if you need Pulse for dynamic price, you can just use it for Homey.

To get power data to Homey, you can use any device (Pulse, any P1 like Youless or any IR reader).

You can use a Pulse also without a power delivery by Tibber. So that’s not the case.
I think support doen’t know Homey in detail and told you that you need a Pulse anyway if you don’t have a smartmeter (and a digital meter instead).

I got feedback from Tibber now.

  • They don’t want to add the widget directly to their app (further maintenance and dependencies to external chart modules). I fully understand this point.
  • They offered the possibility to read the data from the app and make a “companion app” for the community widget(s).
  • So I added an app API to Tibber app and removed the widget
  • As second step I created a new app for the widget only, that connect to Tibber app and registers for realtime events. So the widget is separated, but for the user it’s the same behaviour if both apps are installed.

If anyone like to try:

Beta testers are welcome.
I already updated the PR for Tibber app. If Tibber is merging it and it’s published in Athom app store, the app would be ready for my widget app. I wait for this step to publich the widget app to the store.

@cscheiene FYI and test if you like :slight_smile:

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It works :blush:

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Then we have to wait for an answer from Tibber - or even better a merged PR and new app version.
If this is ready, I can release the widget app for all users.


Looks like Tibber is working on it :+1:

@RonnyW Would it be possible to be able to select how many days are displayed? I like the two days view

The app is just using the prices/timeframes provided by the Home device.

Alright, thanks for the feedback. Have you seen that Tibber has requested some changes to you pull req? Hopefully they will integrate this to the official version soon