Tibber with Fronius and BYD

Can I build a flow with Homey that fills my BYD storage when the price is less than x €? I am using a Fronius Sym 24.

Why not? Now your requirements are clear, you can make your design. And find the requirements of your subsystems and see which available components can full fill them. Or do you want some body else to do the job :grin:

Maybe someone has already implemented it :slight_smile:

Just search for Fronius, and have a look.

First you can use the tibber app. Then you can even do When Current price is one of today’s lowest Hours prices.
There is no App for BYD storage. So maybe BYD allows to get a signal by a relais. Then you can get a simple zigbee/z-wave relais.
Now you can add the consquence:
Then switch MyBYDRelais to ON
Then switch MyBYDRelais to OFF after 59 minutes delay
Sorry, this is just out of my mind, and my Homey Pro is set-up in German, so the exact wording may be a bit different.

I can´t find anything -

How can you not find anything.

sorry thats nothing with my topics but its okay