[APP][Pro][Cloud] KNMI

Yes: rebooted HP, reinstalled & restarted the app
Unfortunately without success

Other things I can check?

I can load the images but not the data page.
Is there something I can do to solve my problem?

I use this data in some flows, which are now useless :cry:

You probably can use a ‘logic’ card for that.

I’ve tried to get in contact with weerlive.nl for the data in the API, but didn’t get a response.

The status “weerbeeld” is more wrong then wright. Today it should be " Onbewolkt or Licht bewolkt " but i’ve also have the status " Zwaar bewolkt" couple times, which isn’t the case today :joy: For me the status “weerbeeld” is kind a useless now :frowning:

Is this something you can you inform them of this behavior?
ps i’ve added an example from today.

17-06-2024 - 00:30 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 00:40 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 00:50 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 01:00 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 01:40 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 02:00 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 02:20 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 02:40 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 03:10 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 03:30 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 03:50 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 04:00 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 04:40 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 04:50 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 05:30 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 05:40 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 06:10 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 06:20 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 06:50 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 07:34 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 07:40 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:00 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:10 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:20 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:30 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:40 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 08:50 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 09:03 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 10:10 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 10:20 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 10:40 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 11:00 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 11:30 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 11:40 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 12:10 Onbewolkt
17-06-2024 - 12:20 Zwaar bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 12:40 Half bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 13:00 Licht bewolkt
17-06-2024 - 13:20 Zwaar bewolkt

@Jeroen_W see DM


Thanks to https://community.homey.app/t/timeout-adding-devices/111351
Apart of having problems with KNMI / KMI I encountered the same problems with Google Sheets and Withings. Did a restart of my ISP modem (Telenet), the IPv6 of HP changed and everything works again!


Did you , by any chance, configure your Telenet modem as a bridge?

No, unfortunately this is not possible when you have a Telenet CH8568LG (“recycle bin”) modem.
Restarting the modem solved my problem but I 'm sure I’ll encounter the same problem again.
At least now I know how to solve it.

1 Like

Hello Rob, and Martijn thanks for all the effort so far. I’ve got the Homey Pro 2023 and installed your app. I do receive the 10min observated data. As for the forecasted (expected) data, when and how many times per day does it get updated? I struggle to get the latest today. I’am pretty confident that by now (10am on Sunday morning) the forecasted data for today should be present. I tested ‘Fetch new data’, but for example the forecast max temp for today (around 25 degrees) remains 21 degrees, which is the forecast for yesterday (Saturday). Also many other variables are relatively old (5-48 hours). What do I wrong?

Rob?? :wink:

The data is updated as soon as weerlive has received new data from KNMI. The app checks the api for new data every 15min.

Same problem here: the current values are updated recently, but the forecast is 12 days old. (VErw. max temp vandaag = 19, 12 days ago)

@Bram_Huijsmans Can you send me a report pls?

Done: 2f3e1f5e-de74-42dc-b0a6-d526a28798f7

Hi Leon, sorry for the mistake in your first name. Thanks for your answer, so the update-frequency does not seem to be the issue. As Bram, several variables are old, (some even days indeed). Please compare screenshots below, the maximum temperature in map reads about 25-26 degrees (near Arnhem where I live). The forecast max temp today in list of variables reads 23 degrees. Those should match right?

To add on it to hopefully finding a solution, it is just after midnight, when I compare the minimum and maximum temperature, these are the same. Of course this can occur (rarely), but 18 degrees as a maximum temperature for Tuesday is not very likely. See screenshot below. How can this occur?


See diagnostic report f77bb005-49aa-4861-a54d-d06f0a97d631

Did not receive a report unfortunately. Can you try again?

@Norbert_Vervaet and @Bram_Huijsmans

@Norbert_Vervaet I just replied to your email with additional request for information. Let’s jointly investigate if there is a problem (via email). Before I will approach Weerlive about data reliability in the API.

Just a clarification, the images come directly from the KNMI website (and will not be up to date every sec) and the data from the app via KNMI to Weerlive with an API to the app. So the app shows values it receives every 10min from Weerlive’s API.

See DM

hi all,
I just started to use this app, but somehow I can’t add any AND card. When I click “Add card” under the AND section in a flow, there is no KNMI app available so no AND card to select. Can someone help me out here? Hopefully @LRvdLinden ?

Did you do first: add devices → KNMi?