Timeout adding devices

I am experiencing timeouts when adding devices in specifics apps and I was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issue. Maybe even somebody has an answer?

In short: When adding devices in some apps I am directed to a website of the manufacturer. Here I can login successfully using my credentials.
Next step, there is a screen showing that I can close the tab and return to Homey.
Back in Homey, there is still a message “Please log in on the website of the manufacturer.” Which I just did in the previous step. So Homey does not detect the login onto the concerned platform.
The message stays until the message about the timeout pops up. The End.

I have experienced this already in “Google Sheets”, “Strava” and “Witghings”.
This leads me to two possible conclusions:

  • Homey is fundamentally broken and many users will experience this issue, but I can’t find anything on this forum and therefor: very unlickely.
  • There is something wrong with my Homey (or it’s settings). But i can’t figure out what it could be.


This looks like a local network misconfiguration, the apps are connecting through IPv6 which might be incorrectly configured in your router.

The post below points in the same direction. But how to solve this?

Mijn DNS staat nu op ‘auto’. Misschien aanpassen? Maar dit is niet gewijzigd en Google Sheets heeft gewerkt!?

The problem seems to be that Homey thinks you have a working IPv6 network, where either you might not have, or your router has a firewall that is blocking outgoing IPv6 packets. DHCP and DNS are unrelated to this.

Perhaps it’s possible to disable IPv6 in your internal network completely, which might solve the problem.

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Can’t wait to get home!

Thank you for your reply.
In the end the problem was located in my provider’s modem that wasn’t functioning as a bridge anymore. Thus messing with my network addresses.

Problem solved, case closed.