[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.5.4)

I have now started to leave negative public reviews online and plan to make a video. This is now the 4th time that I am asking this question in the thread, but you keep ignoring me? Everyone can see you are ignoring me and failing to respond. Why do you keep ignoring me? I demand an answer as I have been mis-sold the product. Prior to purchasing the keypad your sales team (Gabriel Frost) informed me via email that the keypad would be updated to support multiple pin codes - “it will be ready by late February or early March.” I specifically asked about the Homey Bridge and was told it would work with the Bridge (I have emails as proof). It is now August and nothing has been released. Furthermore, you are ignoring my emails and messages on here. I simply expect basic functionality in accordance with the representations made prior to purchase. This is my legal right.

It appears that multiple pins do work for Heimdall, but this DOES NOT WORK ON THE Bridge and is therefore not a solution. In addition, I have no interest in Heimdall. In any case, having to rely on a 3rd party app for basic functionality is a joke. The product should be directly supported by your own app.

Do you intend to keep ignoring me? I feel I am being very reasonable in view of the fact that I have been illegally mis-sold the product.

Hi Tommy.

If you believe you have been mis-sold the product - please feel free to return it.

We will help you with the return process - as we already mentioned before on this topic - please contact us at homey@frient.com or info@frient.com.

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That is not true as you have stopped responding to direct emails from myself! Plus you previously gave instruction to return it to the seller (Amazon), but only once the return period had ended! Again you provide no solution. Why will you not implement a feature (multiple pin codes) that you promised prior to purchase in representations that your company made? Why do you fail to address the points I make above, either publicly on this forum, or privately in email? I will keep on legally pursuing you until I get answers.

Hi Tommy.

We just checked - we have not received any mail from you since April.

Are you sure you’re using our correct mail address?

It’s homey@frient.com or info@frient.com.

With regards.

Hello i read your post for the Frient keypad and heimdall, The solution is very nice. Multiple users with RFID.

But the Multiple users is only in the Heimdall. I got Three Frient keypads (Frontdoor, backdoor and Garage) They can now all arm/disarm the alarm system. But these doors have also smartlocks. And that is a problem. If is disarm the Alarm System How to open the Correct smartlock After entring the code or the RFID ?

Greetings Ronald

Hi Ronald.

I understand your use case and it totally makes sense.

I spent some time looking for a solution and found only a workaround.

I’ll list your use case and we’ll include it in one of the future updates.

For the workaround, you can use the “SOS” button on a specific keypad to open a specific door lock when the system is disarmed.

So you would have to first disarm the system, and then hold the SOS button to open the specific door lock:

I have a new frient Motion sensor pro that I cant pair with Homey can someone help me a bit on my way?


Please try to factory reset the device before adding it - hold down the button until you see the LED flashes multiple times in a row - then release it.

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Hi thank you for you’re reply how many times do I need to do this sequence?
Im now on the 6e time to try to add it but still dont work.
I know how the button works :wink:

for some details how. i did it like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78nEutS3xZI

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So at the end it’s working :+1:. Was it the factory reset that fixed it?

Hi no it is stil not working😅 when I do a factory reset I first want to know if the sensor is broke.
But I can feel it in mygut its gonna be a reset.

I understand your reply as that the device does follow the reset procedure, and the LED blinks fast at the end, correct?

Send us the serial number of the device here: homey@frient.com

We can check in the database if there is anything unusual.

Check, I just send you a e-mail. Hope to hear from you soon.

I cannot find the if-card “De Rookmelder van een apparaat is ingeschakeld” only “De rookmelder van elk apparaat is ingeschakeld” Have an idea what I do wrong?

I did a zigbee reboot but stil cant add the sensor.
In going to return it and try with a new or other one.
I also add other zigbee sensors without problems.

As you have refused to implement a native solution for using multiple pin codes (for those of us using the Homey bridge that cannot use Heimdall, I thought I would investigate the RFID option. I am using 2.4.6 on Homey bridge and am trying to add RFID tags to the keypad. I go to

settings - maintenance - ADD RFID tag

on this page it says

“To add the RFID tag, hold it in front of the keypad, after the beep, press the arm button.”

As instructed I hold the tag to the keypad and after it beeps I press the arm button. Nothing seems to happen. If I press the blue “Add RFID tag”, nothing happens, apart from a green box comes up at the top of the screen saying “Maintenance action completed.”

In accordance with the manual I am using tags following the standards: ISO14443A and MIFARE classic. I bought numerous different type of tags (from different manufacturers) following this specification and nothing seems to work.

Furthermore, I think the interface is defective in the app, as there seems nowhere where you can see where tags have been added if you are successful in adding them.

Please help solve this problem

  1. Go to device’s settings → Maintenance

  2. Click on “Add RFID tag”.

  3. Apply your tag onto the keypad’s frontal surface - you should hear the beep.

  4. Click on “Armed all” button which is the lock icon below the “X” button.

  5. The tag should be now added.

Here’s the video I recorded to show the process.

You can see that after adding the tag I’m able to use it to change states.

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If I click “Add RFID tag”, a green box immediately comes up and says “Maintenance action completed.” This is even before I have had a chance to swipe the tag. Secondly, I do exactly as you have shown and cannot use the tag to change state. Please investigate this again on the Homey bridge, as I know a few things were not working on the bridge as they should.

I tried again on Homey Bridge - you can see the video:

It works exactly the same, just a bit slower - Homey Bridge in opposite to Pro is completely dependent on your internet connection, therefore perhaps there is a problem?

It’s hard to debug with this little information - perhaps you can share a video as well if you still believe the problem is with frient app.