[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.5.4)

As explained in the installation manual:

You need to hold the pin button pressed (inside the cabinet) until the LED flashes multiple times in a row. Is that what you’ve done?

Yes that is what I have done, but I still have the same problem. How to fix my problem?

Your issue is caused by an issue that is preventing the initialization of the Keypad, specifically on the Homey Bridge. I will check with Athom why this issue was not found in the test routines on the Homey Pro platform. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

I’ve just pushed v2.4.4 to the app store that will resolve your issue (reproduced and validates), waiting for Athom’s approval.

In the meantime, you can already install v2.4.4 as test version.

I confirm that the test version update has resolved my issue.

After testing the recent update, I am grateful that it is now possible to automatically alarm the keypad through a flow, thus meaning it works as it should with smart locks. But one outstanding feature that was promised is the ability to support multiple pin codes. It seems that this is only supported through Heimdall, which seems a rather clunky solution. Multiple users should be supported through your own app. In any case Heimdall is not a solution for people with the Homey Bridge. When will your own app support multiple users as this was promised some time ago?

Thank you for your answer!! That could be the case with my Homey Pro. However, I also have a Homey Bridge in the same room or nearby, so that should solve the range problem, I think?

At the moment, I’m looking at ‘Insights,’ and I see that 3 out of 4 devices give a response there. However, in the overview of devices, they show the message ‘unavailable.’"

Hello, I just bought a Frient Keypad, and I want to use it in flows to do other things - e.g. turn on smart plugs, lights… I added 4 users to heimdall with RFID tags, but flow cards are missing! I can not do anything in flows only arm and disarm alarm system. How do I assign certain actions when for example user 2 scans RFID to turn on smart plugs in his room when alarm is disamerd. Thanks for your help

After testing the recent update, I am grateful that it is now possible to automatically alarm the keypad through a flow, thus meaning it works as it should with smart locks. But one outstanding feature that was promised is the ability to support multiple pin codes. It seems that this is only supported through Heimdall, which seems a rather clunky solution. Multiple users should be supported through your own app. In any case Heimdall is not a solution for people with the Homey Bridge. When will your own app support multiple users as this was promised some time ago?

Hi Mirek.

In Heimdall mode, the native keypad’s flows are disabled.

You need to use Heimdall flow cards instead :slight_smile:

I’m looking for a replacement for my old-school HomeWizard Energylink and the Electricity Meter Interface 2 P1 has my interest!

Can that also monitor Gas usage? And what is the interval of the value’s being pulled from the P1 meter?

That’s great to hear you’re interested in EMI 2, P1. Unfortunately, we currently recommend using the device only for electricity monitoring.


Sorry for the very late reaction.

Long story short, my issue seemed to be a symptom of a dying Homey 2019.
Shortly after my last post my Homey broke, and according to Homey support it was unrepairable.

So I recently installed a new Homey Pro 2023 and I was able to remake my entire Zigbee network + add the frient smart button without problems.

Thanks again for all the help!

This is now the 3rd time that I am asking this question in the thread, but you keep ignoring me? Why do you keep ignoring me? I demand an answer as I have been mis-sold the product. Prior to purchasing the keypad your sales team (Gabriel Frost) informed me via email that the keypad would be updated to support multiple pin codes - “it will be ready by late February or early March.” I specifically asked about the Homey Bridge and was told it would work with the Bridge (I have emails as proof). It is now July and nothing has been released. Furthermore, you are ignoring my emails and messages on here. I simply expect basic functionality in accordance with the representations made prior to purchase. This is my legal right.

It appears that multiple pins do work for Heimdall, but this DOES NOT WORK ON THE Bridge and is therefore not a solution. In addition, I have no interest in Heimdall. In any case, having to rely on a 3rd party app for basic functionality is a joke. The product should be directly supported by your own app.

Do you intend to keep ignoring me? I feel I am being very reasonable in view of the fact that I have been illegally mis-sold the product.

That makes sense :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update, and I’m glad that it works for you now.

My Motion Senso Pro gives a tampering alarm (for months now :-). I cannot find a way to get rid of it (“sabotage alarm” in Dutch). Someone an idea? Probably something very obvious, though not for me…

post a photo of the inside ( device and cover ), maybe something broke and therefore isn’t pushing the right pin to disable the alarm

Can you send me a photo of the inside? (take off the top casing), I want to see the tamper component, perhaps the lever fell off the main component.

You can send me a photo here at homey@frient.com.

OK, here’s the foto.

Should the tamper alarm turn itself off automatically after some time?
I wouldn’t want to add it to Homey after full reset: because of the existing flows.
I cannot find something about this in any manuel.

See my answer to JvdMeulen. Sent you an email too.
Hope one of you have a solution….

That’s the tamper component (metal lever) on your sensor:


Try to press it, and release it with your finger and at the same time check the tamper status on your Homey dashboard.

You can repeat the above a couple of times and see if it gives any results.

When you press it – the tamper alert shall change to “No” instantly.

When you release it – the tamper alert shall change to “Yes” instantly.

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