[APP][Pro&Cloud] frient Zigbee App (v2.4.5)

I just bought the Motion Sensor Pro. I am surprised that I cannot change settings of the sensor in Homey Pro. How can I change the sensitivity and delays of the sensor?

Great, Iā€™m happy to hear that!

Changing the sensitivity is not supported.

Regarding the delay - the sensorā€™s alarm off delay is configured to 20 seconds, which is the smallest valid configuration.

If you wish to extend that 20 seconds - you can easily achieve it by using Homey flows.

Thanks. Leaving the configuration to the flows is a good idea.

@frient Any update regarding the humidity issue. Iā€™ve created another diagnostic rapport 987d1bd1-f4c1-4361-8a61-e9c2527c546e

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The new update is on the way and should be live at any moment.

currently running V2.2.1, but i canā€™t test it because I get the message app unavailable
Diag. Code 238196dc-4a0a-4539-b474-c76f0318a4c4

Please delete the Humidity Sensor from the app, factory reset the device and add it once again to your Homey.

Its a big deception that the update did not fix the keypad shortcomings
I have other ways to arm my alarm than the keypad and this is not accepted by the keypad

What is needed:
When Heimdall state changed to armed
Then set keypad to armed

ā€œdisarm keypad then sends a flow to disarm heimdallā€ ā†’ doesnt work for me as it is only possible when the keypad knows he is armed
Because the frient keypad does not accept the disarm keypad code when the keypad is not in armed state

I need the frient keypad to be able to receive the information that he is armed over a flow when i arm heimdall with my mobile app

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Thank for the suggestion, iā€™ve removed the device, added and itā€™s working. But the problem with humidity not showing still exists :frowning:

Besides itā€™s pretty annoying that i have to remove and readd the device. Losing historical data and correcting all the flow iā€™m using the devices.

Humidity sensor was operating fine for a few weeks, but now I have the same problem after the automatic update to v2.2.1. Sensor was completely (also temperature) off line. After resetting and pairing a few times only temperature reading and logging possible. No humidity values.

Just a follow up to my post on 11th Oct when I reported humidity not being reported by any of the 3 x sensors I have using 2.2.0.

I received the automatic update to 2.2.1 which as before stopped all of the sensors from working.

I factory reset them and added back quickly and without any issues and can now see humidity being reported (& values are changing).

Very disappointed in the Frient keypad - high price, not ā€˜smartā€™ at all.

It cannot be used to disarm your Homey if the Homey is armed a different way.
I bought the keypad with decent expectations, to see in this forum two solutions should have fixed a year ago:

-Set keypad to armed with a flow(!)
-Let keypad send the disarmed signal always, even if keypad is disarmed.

There is no reason the Homey/the system should be a slave to a tiny keypad. Please do not sell the keypad as a smart deviceā€¦ Could have used money for better material

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Dear EliteAV. I wonder if you did the pairing of the Humidity Sensor very near to the Homey controller? My problem is that my Humidity sensor is fixed with tape to the wall in the bathroom. From there I can add it to the Zigbee network, but only see the temperature reading.

Yes I did, so the sensors were < 1m away from Homey when pairing.

EliteAV. Thx for the useful anwer. I moved the Homey Pro 2023 connected to a long UTP-cable on a distance of about 20 cm to the Frient Humidity sensor in the bathroom and paired immediately succesfully the device! Humidity available again! Now I turned off auto updates of the Frient app.

Hello, regarding the keypad, no update for months even though the subject has already been discussed here.

Apart from the RFID function, a Fibaro Keyfob remote control is more efficient and 3 times cheaper to control an alarm on Homey.


@frient Iā€™ve managed to add one of my 4 smart humidity sensor to show the humidity. But the the value isnā€™t updated for 14 hours now. The other 3 wonā€™t show the humidity value, tried many time to repair or remove and add but nothing unfortunately.

Could you check my diag c9518ee2-23d1-4a03-aec2-fb93c34ed217 if you see the problem.

Ps. If youā€™ve think you found the solution, could you please put it in test first? Instead of pushing it to live immediately?

For me also, humidity sensor now out of service since the last update.

ā€œApp unavailableā€

The update including integration with Heimdall is in progress, and on the way.