[APP][PRO] Bambu Lab 3D Printer

The light on X1C is working again

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Yes, i found the issue eventually which is a challenge lacking the model with the problem. Thank for verifying this both you and @xxJeroenxx .

Now we have version 1.0.8 live :partying_face: and compared to the last live version 1.0.3 there are both bugfixes and new features (several new trigger flow cards).

One very important bugfix is the one making the Chamber Light control (both from the read/write capbility ‘button’ and from the actions working also on X1C model.

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I cannot add my bambulab p1s! There doesn’t happen enything when i press enter

Nobody knows what you mean.

Sorry for the unclear explanation!

I have a problem when adding my bambulab p1s.
When i fill in the ip adress, acces code and printer id that are given by my printer and press continue, nothing happens. I see a loading symbol for a short time and then it stops. What do i do wrong?

I have the same problem, nothing happens. Even tested to generate a new access code.

So the device is never added? Could it be added in som other zone maybe. Try restarting the printer and Homey. Could you take a screenshot of where you end up after the loading symbol?

See my reply above.

Tried restart of printer and Homey, does not help. When hitting add device it just returns to the side with ip-adress, device id and access code still in the fields. Se picture from after hitting add device.

Tried to add in different zones too.

My Xtouch display works, so the connection to the printer is fine.

Have you tried using the web app from a regular browser?

i got the same problem as the two Peters. Ive tried both mobile and web app with the same result

After a failed attempt please send an app diagnostics report.

Do you all use XTouch? Homey model? Bambu firmware?

I use the stock display off the bambulab p1s. I have a homey pro and the firmware i use is
I tried all steps that you have told with no succes.

Was it you who sent the diagnostic report ~17.20 ?


@Peter_Heemskerk @Peter_Stark @RasmusP
Lets do it like this, send me an app diagnostic report and:

  • Restart the app in app settings.
  • Try add new device
  • Send diagnostics report
  • Send me a private message with the logid so that i know who it belongs to

And i will have a look.


It looks like errors aren’t being handled properly in the pairing code:

Homey.alert(Homey.__("pair.error") + ' The error is: ' + error.message);

In pairing templates you should use normal browser methods, like console.log()

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Thanks Robert for helping this and other times! As they say - one should be careful with those project-wide find/replace commands

Version 1.0.9 that potentially give us better insight into pairing errors is deployed to test.

@Peter_Heemskerk @Peter_Stark @RasmusP

  • Install 1.0.9 from TEST
  • Add device
  • Send diagnostic report
  • PM me with logid
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i have no idea how to send PMs but here’s the diagnostic code thingy
