Graag zou ik een app willen hebben voor mijn bambulab 3d printer. Op github staat al een app (homeassist) maar deze is niet geschikt voor homey.
Hiervoor is er al het topic [Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests - #907 by Emiliano_Quetimporta
Sorry I meant another app. My bad wrong reply
Nieuw: je kunt hier ook een verzoek doen:
Er zijn mogelijkheden door zelf wat knutsel werk uit te voeren…
Ik vond dit stukje code: GitHub - ChadDevOps/bambu-lab-pushover-notify: Monitor the Bambu X1C and send pushover notifications on gcode_state changes.
Heb dat wat aangepast door de MQTT berichten door te sturen naar mijn eigen MQTT broker, en vervolgens met Device Capabilities de info naar Homey te brengen.
I’m have made some initial testing with a simple Bambu Labs app. I made a ‘list’ of some functionality to start with.
Temp Nozzle (actual)
Temp Nozzle (set)
Temp Bed (actual)
Temp Bed (set)
Name of print running
Status (gcode_state)
Status change (gcode_state)
Let me know if there are any other obvious thing to include. A ‘light control’ action, could be a low hanging fruit to implement but is there really a need?
The things I actually use for my P1S in Home Assistant:
- triggers on errors, so I can send myself a notification when something happens
- light control and events (see below)
- camera stream (which Homey doesn’t support, but Homey also doesn’t have a dashboard to show them on anyway)
- AMS humidity (although I use a Zigbee temperature/humidity sensor for this, the API provides a “humidity index” from the built-in humidity sensor) so I can send an alert if the humidity of my filament gets too high.
- Estimated time of completion (just nice to have)
Regarding light control: I have an additional LED strip to light the printing area, which “follows” the built-in light of the P1S. I also have a separate (Zigbee) button next to the printer that I can use to turn the light on/off if needed.
FWIW, this is what my P1S dashboard looks like:
Is it possible to test the Bambu Labs app you have made?
Cool, thanks for that!
Well, at least within a not very distant future (read: 1-3 weeks without any promises) i hope to have a ‘simplified’ test-version available. The first version will likely only do local network access and only have a very limited set of capabilities and triggers etc. I will create a page for it and ping you from that thread when available.
What would be your “top candidates” for capabilities and triggers?
The things you already mention in your list are fine to start with.
Looks good:+1:
I have created an app for Bambu Lab printers.
More info in this thread
[APP][PRO] Bambu Lab 3D Printer - Apps - Homey Community Forum
Ping @xxJeroenxx
Thanks, you did a great job. I think a lot off people will be happy👍