[APP][Pro] Balboa

Hi Matijn,

I have tested the new version, still the same behavior. The flow cards don’t trigger, however by polling the status I see it change.

The second thing I see, that after rebooting the app the trigger “verwarmingsmode is REST” card is triggered.

@Sjoors that sounds exactly the same as before. can you send a report after changing the mode? :slight_smile:

I changed the mode, waited for homey status to change, then send you the report:

@Sjoors the circulation pump has triggered.

I see for the heating mode there are conflicting flow cards. will fix that as well

New app update (TEST: 1.10.0):


1: FIX: heatermode trigger flowcard
2: FIX: circulation pump trigger flowcard
3: NEW: add heater mode Ready/Rest cards

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - ControlMySpa - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

@Sjoors got you report, still relevant? as you deleted your post :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes still relevant, I assumed that issues are no longer to be reported on the forum, but directly to you via the report function in the app

@Sjoors i rather do all communication via the forum. Will check the report :slight_smile:

Hi Martijn,

Did you find the time to investigate the issue?

Kind regards, Sjors

@Sjoors no sorry, I totally forgot about this. Will try to find the report in my mail.
Also can you describe the issue? as your post is deleted…

The “Circulatie pomp status veranderd” now triggers, this is fixed.

The “Verwarming status” card does not trigger.

Rebooting the app triggers the “Circulatie pomp status veranderd” and “verwarmingsmodus is veranderd” flow cards to be triggered. This is a misfire, they should not be triggered at a reboot.

Kind regards Sjors

@Sjoors make sure to change the Verwarming status card in your flow as i changed some cards around.

New app update (TEST: 1.10.2):


1: FIX: heatermode trigger flowcard
2: FIX: circulation pump trigger flowcard
3: NEW: add heater mode Ready/Rest cards

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - ControlMySpa - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

I replaced all cards. stil after rebooting the app, two flow cards are triggerd, same as before.


@sjoors I checked your logs and even tried myself, but the cards don’t trigger :thinking:

Can you share the flow which runs?

New app update (TEST: 1.10.3):


1: FIX: heatermode trigger flowcard
2: FIX: circulation pump trigger flowcard
3: NEW: add heater mode Ready/Rest cards
4: FIX: trigger on start

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - ControlMySpa - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

@Sjoors I made a new fix, can you check?

First, the triggering at reboot is solved, thanks for that! Heater still does not trigger. Maybe my fault, I will share the flow.

This is my flow: The “Verwarming status veranderd” is never triggered

To check if the heater works I created this polling mechanism, this is woring and showing when the heater runs for a few hours every day.

My conclusion, polling the status works for all. Waiting for the trigger cards works for all, except the heater.

Kind regards,


Hey @Sjoors
Nice! :slight_smile:

Strange. When you add a new card for CMS, do you see multiple heating status cards or just one?

Just one: