Gecko In.Touch2

Hi to all,
I am a Homey user since a few weeks. 95% of all systems I use could be integrated (KNX, Loxone, Hue, Aqara, …) So there are more than 180 devices in Homey so far.
Sadly my Swim Spa could not be integrated. I found out that there is an integration/App for Balboa but not for the second common used system from Gecko. I was realy sure to checked this befor buying Homey but mixed it up with home assistant where an integration is possible.

Also I saw that there was a request from Panser in 2022 and a question a few weeks ago from Jan_Thomas_Haugan

My question: I could not support with coding, but I could help with testing under real conditions and or donation…In the request Thread there is no feedback. How can I know if somebody is working on it?


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You can also request for support here
(Make sure to login before performing searches, or creating new requests.

You don’t. You can perform a forum search on the word gecko f.i., every now and then.
Or create an alert on ‘gecko’, but idk how :blush:

Hello Henne

Did you find a solution ? I am planning to buy a GECKO module for my spa, but I really would like to have it connected to HOMEY.

Alternatively, since I did not buy the GECKO module supported for my spa, yet, I could buy a BALBOA if it supports my spa. Any hint on how to ckeck that ?



Hi Paul,
no I did Not find a solution. I use the Gecko App to control the Basic things. But normally it is not needed often. Except checking the temperature.

For heating I use a heat pump controlled with a matter outdoor plug. This plug is connected in Homey and switches on the power when my solar energy is high enough or the hourly costs per kW is low. With this connection I was able to have costs of around 0,18 EUR/kWh. Normal is 0,30 EUR/kWh in my region. My pool has 29 degrees Celsius 12000 l and uses at around 5 degrees outdoor temp (region medium from Nov-Apr) 40 kWh per day.

Currently I try to find a kind of intelligent measure instrument for homey to measure temperature, chlorine eg in the pool. Then everything I need is available.


About measurements you can follow this link. I’m trying it next week.
The maker of the homey yinmik app is vet glad of the pool measurements.

OK, so basically you turn the spa On and OFF at certain times or energy condition just not to allow it to use too much energy. That’s a good start. What are the savings with this method ?

How low in temperature do you let it go ? How long does it take to heat it up ?

I would fear that turning it on and off at any moment, even in the middle of pump or heater operation could harm it. I guess that did not happen ?

Thank you for sharing
