Balboa BWA Spa script

Hi here is homey script to talk to your Balboa BWA module for the ones that don’t have version that the Balboa app talks to.

You have to change the username and password to your specification in the main part of the script
and then uncomment the function you would like to change like starting a blower changing a setting etc.

then you can call this from a homey script to execute the script and update your spa.

I would like to make this in to a app but as I can only code javascript and not make Homey apps here is the code for any to use or play with.

Have fun and hopfully some one can make ot to a app in the future.

// Class to manage global state (token and device ID)
class GlobalState {
    constructor() {
        this.token = null;
        this.device_id = null;
    // Set authentication token
    setToken(token) {
        this.token = token;
    // Set device ID
    setDeviceId(deviceId) {
        this.device_id = deviceId;

const globalState = new GlobalState();

// Function to perform HTTPS requests
function httpsRequest(options, body = null) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
            let data = '';
            // Collect data chunks
            res.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; });
            // Handle response end
            res.on('end', () => {
                try {
                    // Try parsing data as JSON
                } catch (e) {
                    // Resolve with raw data if not JSON

        req.on('error', (e) => reject(e)); // Handle request error
        if (body) req.write(body); // Write request body if present
        req.end(); // End the request

// Function to login and retrieve token
async function loginAndGetToken(username, password) {
    // Define request options
    const loginOptions = {
        hostname: '',
        path: '/users/login',
        method: 'POST',
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }

    // Stringify login data
    const loginData = JSON.stringify({ username, password });

    try {
        // Perform login request
        const loginResponse = await httpsRequest(loginOptions, loginData);
        // Set global state with token and device ID
        return loginResponse;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Login Error:', error.message);
        throw error;

// Function to parse device configuration data
function parseDeviceConfigurationData(encodedData) {
    const decoded = Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64');

    let deviceConfig = {
        Pumps: {},
        Lights: {},
        Blower: {},
        Aux: {},
        Mister: {}

    // Parse and store data for each pump
    deviceConfig.Pumps = {
        Pump0: { present: (decoded[7] & 128) !== 0 },
        Pump1: { present: (decoded[4] & 3) !== 0 },
        Pump2: { present: (decoded[4] & 12) !== 0 },
        Pump3: { present: (decoded[4] & 48) !== 0 },
        Pump4: { present: (decoded[4] & 192) !== 0 },
        Pump5: { present: (decoded[5] & 3) !== 0 },
        Pump6: { present: (decoded[5] & 12) !== 0 }

    // Parse and store data for lights
    deviceConfig.Lights = {
        Light1: { present: (decoded[6] & 3) !== 0 },
        Light2: { present: (decoded[6] & 12) !== 0 }

    // Parse and store data for blower (adjust the logic as needed)
    deviceConfig.Blower = { present: (decoded[7] & 15) !== 0 }; // Example logic

    // Parse and store data for Aux (adjust the logic as needed)
    deviceConfig.Aux = {
        Aux1: { present: (decoded[8] & 1) !== 0 },
        Aux2: { present: (decoded[8] & 2) !== 0 }

    // Parse and store data for Mister (adjust the logic as needed)
    deviceConfig.Mister = { present: (decoded[8] & 16) !== 0 };

    return deviceConfig;

// Function to extract data from XML
function extractDataFromXML(xmlString) {
    const dataRegex = /<data>(.*?)<\/data>/;
    const match = xmlString.match(dataRegex);
    return match ? match[1] : null;

// Function to parse Panel Data

function parsePanelData(encodedData) {
    const decoded = Buffer.from(encodedData, 'base64');

    // Validate SPA byte array
    if (!isValidSpaByteArray(decoded)) {
        console.error("BWA Cloud Spa Error: Encoded data is not valid SPA panel data. Is the Spa Online?");
        return false;

    // Parse common data
    const is24HourTime = (decoded[13] & 2) !== 0;
    const currentTimeHour = decoded[7];
    const currentTimeMinute = decoded[8];
    const temperatureScale = (decoded[13] & 1) === 0 ? "F" : "C";
    const actualTemperature = temperatureScale === "C" ? decoded[6] / 2 : decoded[6];
    const targetTemperature = temperatureScale === "C" ? decoded[24] / 2 : decoded[24];
    const isHeating = (decoded[14] & 48) !== 0;
    const heatingMode = (decoded[14] & 4) === 4 ? "high" : "low";

    // Determine heat mode
    let heatMode;
    switch (decoded[9]) {
        case 0: heatMode = "Ready"; break;
        case 1: heatMode = "Rest"; break;
        case 2: heatMode = "Ready in Rest"; break;
        default: heatMode = "None";

    // Pumps state parsing
    let pumpsState = {};
    for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
        let pumpState = "off";
        switch (decoded[15] & (3 << ((i - 1) * 2))) {
            case 1 << ((i - 1) * 2): pumpState = "low"; break;
            case 2 << ((i - 1) * 2): pumpState = "high"; break;
        pumpsState[`Pump${i}`] = pumpState;

    // Lights state parsing
    let lightsState = {
        Light1: (decoded[18] & 3) !== 0 ? "on" : "off",
        Light2: (decoded[18] & 12) !== 0 ? "on" : "off"

    // Blower state parsing
    let blowerState = "off";
    switch (decoded[17] & 12) {
        case 4: blowerState = "low"; break;
        case 8: blowerState = "medium"; break;
        case 12: blowerState = "high"; break;

    // Mister state parsing
    let misterState = (decoded[19] & 1) !== 0 ? "on" : "off";

    // Aux state parsing
    let auxState = {
        Aux1: (decoded[19] & 8) !== 0 ? "on" : "off",
        Aux2: (decoded[19] & 16) !== 0 ? "on" : "off"

    // WiFi state parsing
    let wifiState = "Unknown"; // Default state
    switch (decoded[16] & 240) {
        case 0: wifiState = "WiFi OK"; break;
        case 16: wifiState = "WiFi Spa Not Communicating"; break;
        case 32: wifiState = "WiFi Startup"; break;
        // ... other cases as per your system's specification

    // Parsed panel data
    const panelData = {

    // Iterate over panelData and set tags, including the check for actualTemperature
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(panelData)) {
    if (typeof value === 'object') {
        for (const [subKey, subValue] of Object.entries(value)) {
            // Check if the current key is 'actualTemperature'
            if (`${key}_${subKey}` === 'actualTemperature' && subValue === 127.5) {
                tag(`${key}_${subKey}`, 38); // Update to 38 if the condition is met
            } else {
                tag(`${key}_${subKey}`, subValue); // Set normally for other cases
    } else {
        // Check if the current key is 'actualTemperature'
        if (key === 'actualTemperature' && value === 127.5) {
            tag(key, 38); // Update to 38 if the condition is met
        } else {
            tag(key, value); // Set normally for other cases


    // Set each piece of data as a global variable
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(panelData)) {
        if (typeof value === 'object') {
            // For nested objects, set each sub-property as a separate global variable
            for (const [subKey, subValue] of Object.entries(value)) {
                //global.set(`${key}_${subKey}`, subValue);
                tag(`${key}_${subKey}`, subValue);
        } else {
            // For simple properties, set directly
            //global.set(key, value);
            tag(key, value);
            //console.log(key, value);

    // Return the parsed panel data
    return {

// isValidSpaByteArray function 
function isValidSpaByteArray(decodedData) {
    const VALID_SPA_BYTE_ARRAY = [32, 255, 175]; // Adjusted for JavaScript byte values
    for (let i = 0; i < VALID_SPA_BYTE_ARRAY.length; i++) {
        if (decodedData[i] !== VALID_SPA_BYTE_ARRAY[i]) {
            return false;
    return true;

// Function to handle the device configuration request
async function handleDeviceConfigurationRequest(deviceId) {
    const requestOptions = createRequestOptions(deviceId, 'DeviceConfiguration.txt');
    try {
        const response = await httpsRequest(requestOptions, createXmlRequestBody(deviceId, 'DeviceConfiguration.txt'));
        const decodedData = parseDeviceConfigurationData(extractDataFromXML(response));
        console.log('Decoded Device Configuration:', decodedData);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Device Configuration Request Error:', error.message);

// Function to handle the panel update request
async function handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId) {
    const requestOptions = createRequestOptions(deviceId, 'PanelUpdate.txt');
    try {
        const response = await httpsRequest(requestOptions, createXmlRequestBody(deviceId, 'PanelUpdate.txt'));
        if (!response) {
            console.error('No response received for panel update request');
            return null;

        const extractedData = extractDataFromXML(response);
        if (!extractedData) {
            console.error('Failed to extract data from XML');
            return null;

        const panelData = parsePanelData(extractedData);
        if (!panelData) {
            console.error('Failed to parse panel data');
            return null;

        console.log('Panel Update Data:', panelData);
        return panelData;

    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Panel Update Request Error:', error.message);
        return null;

// Create options for httpsRequest
function createRequestOptions(deviceId, path) {
    return {
        hostname: '',
        path: '/devices/sci',
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${globalState.token}`,
            'Content-Type': 'application/xml'

// Create XML body for request
function createXmlRequestBody(deviceId, filePath) {
    return `<sci_request version="1.0"><file_system><targets><device id="${deviceId}"/></targets><commands><get_file path="${filePath}"/></commands></file_system></sci_request>`;
// SpaControl class integration
class SpaControl {
    constructor(deviceId) {
        this.deviceId = deviceId;

    async sendCommand(buttonNumber, command) {
        const commandXml = this.buildCommandXml(buttonNumber, command);
        console.log(`Sending command: ${command} to button number: ${buttonNumber}`); // Debugging line
        console.log(`Command data: ${command}`); // Log the command data
        const requestOptions = {
            hostname: '',
            path: '/devices/sci',
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
                'Authorization': `Bearer ${globalState.token}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/xml'

        try {
            const response = await httpsRequest(requestOptions, commandXml);
            console.log('Command Response:', response);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error sending command:', error);

    buildCommandXml(targetName, data) {
        // Construct the XML string
        const xml = `<sci_request version="1.0"><data_service><targets><device id="${this.deviceId}"/></targets><requests><device_request target_name="${targetName}">${data}</device_request></requests></data_service></sci_request>`;

        // Log the XML string for debugging
        console.log('Generated XML:', xml);

        return xml;


    async turnOn(buttonNumber) {
        // The command to turn on might have a specific format or data
        await this.sendCommand('Button', buttonNumber + ':on');

    async turnOff(buttonNumber) {
        // The command to turn off might have a specific format or data
        await this.sendCommand('Button', buttonNumber + ':off');

//Update the pump
async function updatePumpStatus(deviceId, pumpNumber, turnOn) {
    const pumpButtonMap = {
        1: 4, // Pump 1 maps to Balboa API Button #4
        2: 5, // Pump 2 maps to Balboa API Button #5
        3: 6, // Pump 3 maps to Balboa API Button #6
        4: 7, // Pump 4 maps to Balboa API Button #7
        5: 8, // Pump 5 maps to Balboa API Button #8
        6: 9  // Pump 6 maps to Balboa API Button #9

    const buttonNumber = pumpButtonMap[pumpNumber];
    if (buttonNumber === undefined) {
        console.error('Invalid pump number:', pumpNumber);

    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentPumpState = currentPanelData.pumpsState[`Pump${pumpNumber}`];
    if ((turnOn && currentPumpState === 'off') || (!turnOn && currentPumpState !== 'off')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        if (turnOn) {
            await spaControl.turnOn(buttonNumber);
        } else {
            await spaControl.turnOff(buttonNumber);
    } else {
        console.log(`Pump ${pumpNumber} is already in the desired state.`);

//Update the lights
async function updateLightStatus(deviceId, lightNumber, turnOn) {
    const lightButtonMap = {
        1: 17, // Light 1 maps to Balboa API Button #17
        2: 18  // Light 2 maps to Balboa API Button #18

    const buttonNumber = lightButtonMap[lightNumber];
    if (buttonNumber === undefined) {
        console.error('Invalid light number:', lightNumber);

    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentLightState = currentPanelData.lightsState[`Light${lightNumber}`];
    if ((turnOn && currentLightState === 'off') || (!turnOn && currentLightState !== 'off')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        if (turnOn) {
            await spaControl.turnOn(buttonNumber);
        } else {
            await spaControl.turnOff(buttonNumber);
    } else {
        console.log(`Light ${lightNumber} is already in the desired state.`);

//Update the AUX
async function updateAuxStatus(deviceId, auxNumber, turnOn) {
    const auxButtonMap = {
        1: 22, // Aux 1 maps to Balboa API Button #22
        2: 23  // Aux 2 maps to Balboa API Button #23

    const buttonNumber = auxButtonMap[auxNumber];
    if (buttonNumber === undefined) {
        console.error('Invalid auxiliary number:', auxNumber);

    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentAuxState = currentPanelData.auxState[`Aux${auxNumber}`];
    if ((turnOn && currentAuxState === 'off') || (!turnOn && currentAuxState !== 'off')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        if (turnOn) {
            await spaControl.turnOn(buttonNumber);
        } else {
            await spaControl.turnOff(buttonNumber);
    } else {
        console.log(`Aux ${auxNumber} is already in the desired state.`);

//Update Blower 
async function updateBlowerStatus(deviceId, turnOn) {
    const blowerButtonNumber = 12; // Blower maps to Balboa API Button #12

    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentBlowerState = currentPanelData.blowerState;
    if ((turnOn && currentBlowerState === 'off') || (!turnOn && currentBlowerState !== 'off')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        if (turnOn) {
            await spaControl.turnOn(blowerButtonNumber);
        } else {
            await spaControl.turnOff(blowerButtonNumber);
    } else {
        console.log('Blower is already in the desired state.');

//Update Mister status
async function updateMisterStatus(deviceId, turnOn) {
    const misterButtonNumber = 14; // Mister maps to Balboa API Button #14

    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentMisterState = currentPanelData.misterState;
    if ((turnOn && currentMisterState === 'off') || (!turnOn && currentMisterState !== 'off')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        if (turnOn) {
            await spaControl.turnOn(misterButtonNumber);
        } else {
            await spaControl.turnOff(misterButtonNumber);
    } else {
        console.log('Mister is already in the desired state.');

// Button mappings
const BUTTON_MAP = {
    // ... other mappings ...
    TempRange: 80,
    HeatMode: 81

// Function to update the temperature range
async function updateTemperatureRange(deviceId, setToHigh) {
    const tempRangeButtonNumber = BUTTON_MAP.TempRange; // TempRange button number from a map
    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);

    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentTempRangeState = currentPanelData.heatingMode.toLowerCase();
    console.log(`Current state: ${currentTempRangeState}, Set to high: ${setToHigh}`);

    // Explicitly check for 'low' or 'high' to ensure case-insensitive comparison
    if (setToHigh && currentTempRangeState === 'low') {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        await spaControl.sendCommand('Button', tempRangeButtonNumber.toString());
        console.log(`Temperature range set to high`);
    } else if (!setToHigh && currentTempRangeState === 'high') {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        await spaControl.sendCommand('Button', tempRangeButtonNumber.toString());
        console.log(`Temperature range set to low`);
    } else {
        console.log(`Temperature range is already set to ${currentTempRangeState}`);

/// Function to update the heat mode
async function updateHeatMode(deviceId, setToReady) {
    const heatModeButtonNumber = BUTTON_MAP.HeatMode; // HeatMode button number from a map
    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);

    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const currentHeatModeState = currentPanelData.heatMode;
    // Corrected logic: Toggle state only if not in the desired state
    if ((setToReady && currentHeatModeState !== 'Ready') || (!setToReady && currentHeatModeState !== 'Rest')) {
        const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
        await spaControl.sendCommand('Button', heatModeButtonNumber.toString());
        console.log(`Heat mode set to ${setToReady ? 'Ready' : 'Rest'}`);
    } else {
        console.log(`Heat mode is already set to ${currentHeatModeState}`);

//Set the temp of the spa
async function updateTemperature(deviceId, newTemperature) {
    const currentPanelData = await handlePanelUpdateRequest(deviceId);
    if (!currentPanelData) {
        console.error('Failed to get current panel data');

    const temperatureScale = currentPanelData.temperatureScale;
    let convertedTemperature = newTemperature;

    // Convert the new temperature based on the temperature scale
    if (temperatureScale === "C") {
        // If the system is in Celsius, and it expects the setpoint to be double the actual value
        convertedTemperature = newTemperature * 2;

    // Send the command using SpaControl
    const spaControl = new SpaControl(deviceId);
    await spaControl.sendCommand('SetTemp', `${convertedTemperature}`);
    console.log(`Temperature update command sent: ${newTemperature}${temperatureScale} (Converted: ${convertedTemperature})`);

async function main(decision) {
    // Check if the decision argument is provided and is a string
    if (typeof decision !== 'string' || decision.split(':').length !== 2) {
        console.error('Invalid or missing decision argument. This script must be run from a Flow with a valid decision string.');

    try {
        // Login and acquire a token.
        await loginAndGetToken('user', 'password');

        // Check if the token and device ID are available.
        if (!globalState.token || !globalState.device_id) {
            console.log('Login failed or did not return the expected data.');

        // Split the decision string to extract the action and the state value
        const [action, stateValue] = decision.split(':');

        // Use a switch statement to handle different actions
        switch (action) {
            case 'configureDevice':
                // Handle device configuration requests.
                await handleDeviceConfigurationRequest(globalState.device_id);

            case 'updatePanel':
                // Handle panel update requests.
                await handlePanelUpdateRequest(globalState.device_id);

            case 'turnOnPump1':
                // Update pump statuses based on stateValue ('on' or 'off').
                await updatePumpStatus(globalState.device_id, 1, stateValue === 'on');

            case 'turnOnPump2':
                // Update pump statuses based on stateValue ('on' or 'off').
                await updatePumpStatus(globalState.device_id, 2, stateValue === 'on');

            case 'turnOnLight':
                // Update light statuses based on stateValue ('on' or 'off').
                await updateLightStatus(globalState.device_id, 1, stateValue === 'on');

            case 'turnOnBlower':
                // Update blower status based on stateValue ('on' or 'off').
                await updateBlowerStatus(globalState.device_id, stateValue === 'on');

            case 'updateHeatMode':
                // Determine the heat mode setting based on stateValue
                let setHeatMode;
                switch (stateValue) {
                  case 'Ready':
                  case 'Ready in Rest':
                    setHeatMode = true;
                  case 'Rest':
                    setHeatMode = false;
                    console.log(`Unknown stateValue: ${stateValue}`);
                    return; // Exit if stateValue is not recognized

                // Update heat mode if stateValue is recognized
                await updateHeatMode(globalState.device_id, setHeatMode);

            case 'updateTemperatureRange':
                // Update temperature settings based on stateValue ('High' or 'Low').
                const ToHigh = stateValue === 'High';
                await updateTemperatureRange(globalState.device_id, ToHigh);


            case 'updateTemperature':
                // Update Target temperature to new temprature.
                await updateTemperature(globalState.device_id, stateValue);

                // Handle invalid decision parameters.
                console.log('Invalid decision parameter.');
    } catch (error) {
        // Catch and log any errors that occur during execution.
        console.error('Main Function Error:', error.message);
    //global.set('myHomeyScriptVariable', 'Some Value');


// Example call to the main function with a decision string.


How to set your IP address and etc. I’m completely new to these codes so I can’t solve it.

you dont need to set a IP adress as this is using the api so all you need is to put in tour user and password

hej igen…

Var i scriptet skriver jag in detta? Och hur får man sedan den till sina enheter?


change the user and password in the script Look for the code I have referenced here
Also you have homeyscript instaled?

Nice work and thanks. Request… any chance you can add the time sync to your code. When the SPA loses power the time needs to be reset. Playing around with things, I can’t seem to figure out the necessary API call.

use this app as my code now is implemented here. Love the community :slight_smile: