[APP] Fibaro - Your home is your castle (by Athom)

Hi @Sharkys, I’m having a Homey Pro 2023. Fibaro version is v3.7.17.

I restored one of the detectors to factory settings and tried to add it to Homey again. It’s not easy to add, but when it’s added I get that triangle again.

I reïnstalled the app and now the triangles are gone.

Hi all,
I just installed a Fibaro Heat Controller on my Homey Pro (2023). However, this thermostat has an own will and turns itself on to 20 degrees celcius automatically. When putting it back at 4 degrees, in a couple of minutes it switches back to 20 degrees.

  • I don’t have any flows active
  • The Fibaro controller came straight from the box and also gave it a factory reset to be sure

Is anyone familiar with this strange behaviour?
Thanks for helping out.

I’d first try this: remove it from Homey to see what happens.
Often there’s some 'forgotten" test flows somewhere, happened to me several times.

Has anybody experienced issue in the update of Fibaro app to 3.7.17?

I am on homey 2023 and all is working fine.
My Fibaro app is v3.7.4 and i have not yet updated to 3.7.17
Before doing so just checking if this app update has any disruptive effect on the z-wave network or causing any malfunction of the z-wave network.

Thanks for sharing your views.

Just [APP] Fibaro - Your home is your castle (by Athom) - #892 by Sharkys but I don’t think it’s app related.

No problem so far, but have you looked at the changelog of the app?
New app versions can actually only cause problems with devices which are implemented in the app, not really on the Z-Wave network. Except a device is flooding the Z-Wave network with data after update. So in my opinion it’s important to read the changelog if one of your devices is involved by the changes/updates.
The firmware is mainly responsible for the Z-Wave network, not a single app.

Can you use the Fibaro Smoke Sensor’s temperature sensor in flows? For example, when the temperature reaches 28°C turn on the fan.

See Fibaro App for Homey | Homey

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See link above: not exactly the way you want.
But you can use the WHEN temperature changed trigger card followed by the AND logic card with T>28.

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So there is a temperature parameter?

Hi guys,

I’m struggling with getting a Fibaro Motion Sensor to work over Homey. I’ve tested the connection to the homey (long press B-button, select Violet option) and it shows a good connection with Homey.

When I walk past the motion sensor, it blinks once (green), acknowledging movement.

I’ve created the following flow:

When I manually test the ‘motion alarm turned on’ flow, it correctly goes through the steps. But when I trigger the motion sensor by walking past, the flow doesn’t start. Even though the motion sensor itself still blinks. I’m not even seeing the notification…

What am I missing?

To make it weirder: sometimes it does trigger the lamp. But if I then wait 1-2 minutes, it doesn’t.

I wondered if it was something in the settings of the motion detector and found the “Motion Sensor Blindtime” which is set to 15. In the set-up you can’t see if thats seconds or minutes or…?

The cancellation delay is set to 15 seconds. So shouldn’t give an issue.

Have you checked the available flow cards in the App Store, linked by @Rmb?

And the description of @Rrrr is how it works.

@Daan_Dagevos, have you checked the manual of the Fibaro Motion Sensor?

Normally there is no need to change the parameter settings. In most cases, the MS works “out of the box”, which should actually be the case also for you.

Could you please check the connectivity of the MS in Developer Tools → Z-Wave. Click on the 3 dots on the right-hand side in the line of the MS, wake up the MS and click on Test.

Thanks, didn’t find the developer tools yet. It says the device is unreachable. While it also says 58 Tx queued and 56 Tx Sent (and 0% error).

After removing the MS, doing a reset of the MS, re-adding with the MS next to the Homey and then going to Developer Tools, it still says “Unreachable”. When sending a basic on it says TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_NO_ACK. When choosing Test it says the node is unreachable.

Based on the Tx and error values, you can see that the sensor actually had a good connection.
It can happen from time to time that battery-operated Z-Wave devices in particular are marked as “unreachable”. Normally, however, this information can be ignored.

Ragarding the test of the connection, I guess you didn’t woke up the motion sensor. Could that be?

I triple clicked, light turned blue, when I click Test it says “Node 4 is unreachable”. When I click “Send Basic On” and then “Test” it says “Node 4 is reachable”.

I’ve tried rebooting Homey and resetting the motion detector. It keeps doing the same thing: sometimes it detects motion correctly and starts the flow, sometimes it just does nothing.

It’s as if it sometimes forgets to remove the motion alarm, and thus doesn’t trigger on the next motion.

Any tips on how to tackle this? Might there be something in the advanced settings (or in my flow) which could improve this?

Set the advance flow aside for a minute and check if the device works with a simple flow.

If: movement detected
Then: set a timeline message

If that works then elaborate on that.

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“Basic On/Off” is actually intended for switches and plugs, I have not yet tried it on an MS myself.
That’s why I just sent a “Basic On” to a Fibaro MS and didn’t wake it up, then a message “Time out…” appears.
If you wake up the MS at the right time, then both tests should pass. The “Awake time” is sometimes only a few seconds long, so the timing must be right.

I would do the same as @Joenoo, but I would also add a timeline notification for “The motion alarm turned off” or just watch the state of the MS in the smartphone app.
Btw, if you open the menu of the MS in the smartphone or in the web app and switch to the notification screen, icon with the 2 dots and lines, then there is also a log of the MS regarding the motion alarm trigger: