[APP] Fibaro - Your home is your castle (by Athom)

@JPe4619 I was wondering about that. Do I need to add the Controller (ID:1) to the Association groups to use the scene selection? Group 1 (lifeline has ID 1 in it). Groups 2-5 are empty.

In the screenshot I see that Momentary switch is selected.
The intention of my question was, if you have Momentary switch installed because you selected Momentary switch in the advanced settings, or if e.g. toggle switches are installed and you selected the wrong switch type in the advanced settings.

Afaik there is no need to set any associations. Associations are intended to control other Z-Wave devices directly and without a SmartHome Gateway. By using Scene Activation, any device can be controlled via the SmartHome Gateway or any flows can be started.

Maybe @tinman can help?

It seems, you have to change Parameter 41 to be able to use scenes via association group-3, found this in Fibaro documentation. Sorry I don’t have these devices so just did reading this. Normally you fill in 1 for Homey, not sure about this case.

Parameter No. 41 - Scene activation functionality.
Default value: 0
Possible parameter settings:
0 – functionality deactivated
1 – functionality activated
The device offers the possibility of sending commands compatible
with Command class scene activation. Information is sent to devices
assigned to association group no. 3. Controllers such as Home
Center 2 are able to interpret such commands and based on these
commands they activate scenes, to which specific scene IDs have
been assigned. The user may expand the functionality of the button
connected to inputs S1 and S2 by distinguishing the actions of keys
connected to those inputs. For example: double click would activate
the scene “goodnight” and triple click would activate the scene
Scene ID is determined as follows:
Momentary switch
(parameter 14 set to 0): (0 = momentary switch)
Input S1:
holding down ID 12 (option inactive in case of roller blind switch)
releasing ID 13
double click ID 14 (depends on parameters 15 value - 1 = double
click active)
triple click ID 15
one click ID 16
Input S2:
holding down ID 22 (option inactive in case of roller blind switch)
releasing ID 23
double click ID 24 (depends on parameters 15 value - 1 = double
click active) option inactive in case of roller blind switch
triple click ID 25
one click ID 26


Is there a way to reset the Flood sensor sabotage alarm within Homey-Pro or otherwise?

I don’t have this device myself, but doesn’t physically opening and closing it do the trick?

It should be as simple as shaking up the sensor. Then wait for the sabotage alarm time to laps.

I don’t have this device myself, but doesn’t physically opening and closing it do the trick?

Nope, opening and closing did not reset the sabotage alarm

It should be as simple as shaking up the sensor. Then wait for the sabotage alarm time to laps.

Nope, shaking the sensor did not reset the sabotage alarm

Is there no way to reset alarms from out of the Fibaro app or from out of the device it self? 3 days ago i did set the alarm trigger on “water detection alarm” only.

I just reconfigured my Fibaro Door Sensor 2 from my old eedomus to Homey, and I notice that the battery level displayed seems incorrect: it displays 1% while the battery is quite new, and while the device is not raising a battery warning.

I wonder if there is not a mistake in the implementation, where 1 sent by the device should mean 100%, not 1% (the value returned by the Fibaro would then be from 0 to 1, but should be converted with *100 by the Fibaro homey app to display it in percentage).

Is the issue also present with other users ?

My Fibaro device battery level says 100%. Included quite some time ago (homey pro 2023).

Is it a sensor ‘2’ ?
How long last your battery usually ?

There can’t be no general answer to this question because the battery life depends on many factors:

  • Quality of battery itself (e.g. different manufacturer)
  • Was the battery really 100% charged? (Personally, I have tried various manufacturers and have often found that some of these batteries were not 100% charged)
  • Sensor settings (the more frequently data is sent, the faster the battery is drained)
  • Configuration of the LED indicator
  • Quality of the connection to other Z-Wave actuators or to Homey
  • Temperature impact
  • Frequency of use (open/closed)

It‘s a FGSD-002 smoke sensor.
Their battery last with me usually between 1.5 and 2 years. Depends a bit on the quality of the battery.

@SingKT Ha, we are not speaking about the same device: I’m having the issue with a door sensor.
More precisely the Fibaro door sensor 2 (FGDW-002-1).

@DirkG i fully understand, but his personal case can give an idea to compare to my case first, and to decide if I have to investigate deeper then through the things you listed for instance. Whatever, he was not speaking about the same device at all, so it not useful anymore.

Hi, I’ve added a Fibaro Z-Wave to my Homey Pro, using the Fibaro app.

I need to find the serial number for module that was added, so that I can identify it later.

There’s an advanced settings panel for the device, but the serial number isn’t present. Am I looking in the wrong place?

(I was able to get the serial number in the Fibaro Home Centre controller, so I know it’s there somewhere).

Strangely, I can’t even see the device model number.


Also, how do I maintain the firmware on fibaro modules? There doesn’t appear to be an option for downloading and installing updates.

As far as I know, the serial number of Z-Wave devices are not shared with Homey during inclusion. However, you can contact Athom support and make a feature request.
The internal Fibaro identifier of a device (device model number), e.g. FGD-212 for the Dimmer 2, and some more information can be found in Developer Tools → Devices.

The firmware of Fibaro devices can only be updated with Fibaro gateways. There is no other option possible, also not with other gateways instead of Homey.

Is this the case in general for all ZWave devices? Is there no standard provision in the standard for updating the firmware?

Also, Where is the dev tools option in the app?


Some manufacturers provide new firmware versions for the public, e.g. Aeotec, but Fibaro doesn’t do this. Therefore, the firmware of Fibaro devices cannot be updated with other gateways.

Homey has no built-in function to update the firmware of Z-Wave devices (at the moment). However, Aeotec has found a way to update the firmware of Z-Wave devices with “open” firmware without having to exclude, update and re-include the devices. The problem with this would be that all flows and settings would have to be readjusted.
How it works and more info about updating the FW with a Homey can be found here:

I don’t know if a standard provision exists. It seems not really, because than Fibaro has to do it in the same way like other manufacturers.

Developer Tools can only used with a browser, more or less the same way like the WebApp and the Advanced Flows.

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I’ve bought Fibaro motion sensor z-wave plus, but it doesn’t connect to homey