The Smart Dimmer is a switch multi level device based on Z-wave Plus and Zigbee 3.0 protocol The Dimmer controller can be included and operated in certified Zigbee network and Z-Wave network.
In addition, the LED dimmer has a wide range (0-200W LED), excellent dimmability and light stability (MIN and MAX adjustment) and all brands of cover material in NL & BE fit on the built-in element. Suitable for> 90% of all (normal) dimmable LED lamps.
Of course also to be used if you do not yet have an app or home automation system. The dimmer is delivered incl. Clear Dutch manual. In short, a very complete and unique product and a world first!
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Hi Ted, looks interesting. I couldn’t find this in the manuals, but can these also be used without any load? I want to have a physical dimmer to control my (Hue/Innr) lights via Homey. Lights themselves are powered all the time (so not using a switch /dimmer).
Tried the Ikea Tradfri standalone dimmers, but these were unstable and quickly drained.
Since it is a 2-wire dimmer, it has the advantage to be able to be installed in a retrofit situation without pulling an additional L-wire, but it will require a load connected to the dimmer.
Briefly tried it without a bulb, but it will not work as expected. Didn’t try with a bypass load.
Hi, i received the smart dimmer today, for my new to build bathroom. I question which protocol to use.
What would you advise?
My first thoughts would be to go with Zigbee and to include it with my excisting Hue setup. Also as I read the manual. Firmware is pushed OTA with Zigbee.
Guess you don’t need an update if it works? I see it as an option in the device but probably not in many bridges that they will provide an OTA firmware for this brand.
it worked for me with both but as I want a bigger Zigbee mesh it is joined there in Homey.
These dimmers are working perfectly and installation was a breeze. The only thing that doesn’t work for me is the dimming over time. I can set a duration, but the dimming takes place instantly instead of slowly during the duration time. I have two of these dimmers, and both of them show this behaviour. I’m using the z-wave protocol. Is this something that can be fixed with an app update or is it hardware related?
On the Ecodim ssite I found that these dimmer do not work with Tradfri. Do they mean the dimmers do not work with the Tradfri bridge and Tradfri lights? Or will those dimmers work with the Tradfri lights connected to Homey via the Hue bridge?
@BobKersten this is an issue I am currently looking into… not sure if it is Homey or EcoDim related.
@HansK not working with the Tradfri bridge primarily.
Offcourse it doesn’t make sense to hard-wire the EcoDim dimmer to any Zigbee bulbs. Creating Zigbee groups and scenes, to create a “soft-link” is something that is not supported yet within Homey; but this is again generic, not Tradfri related.
I want to hard-wire the Ecodim to the Tradfri bulbs, because in case of problems with Homey/Hue/remote control, I want to be able to operate the bulbs with the Ecodim. Is this possible?
I do not know what you mean with the last sentence you wrote, but that is because of lack of knowledge about Zigbee.
@HansK going into the definition of hard-wiring… to avoid confusion.
With hard-wiring I mean that you connect the Trafdri Bulb to the output of the EcoDim dimmer. This will not work, because the Trafdri Bulbs require a constant mains connection and can’t operate with a dimmer in between.
The groups and scenes option I referred to is to establish a link between dimmer and tradfri bulb (belonging to the same Zigbee network), to be able to control the bulb from the dimmer, without requiring the controller (ie. flows on Homey). Since the Zigbee implementation of Homey is not complete, this is not feasible right now.
True, but the Dimmer-2 uses a different version of the MultiLevel Switch command class (V3), whereas the EcoDim dimmer uses V4… I don’t see the value correctly parsed by Homey; which is visible at the Z-wave log
I have purchased several Namron dimmers that seem to be rebranded Eco-Dim.07 ZigBee dimmers. One of them reports the manufacturer as EcoDim B.V. and is recognized by the app. The other identical dimmers shows Namron AS as manufacturer and is hence not recognized by the EcoDim app. Is it possible to have Namron AS added so I can use the same app for all my identical dimmers? I tried adding the ones with manufacturer Namron AS with EasyHome, but I think the response and on/off reporting seems a lot more accurate with the dimmer that works with the EcoDim app. Thanks in advance!
I bought three z-wave dimmers (2020 version) from Ecodim. The first one was easy to include in my Homey network. The second one harder. And the third one almost impossible. After a lot of fiddling I managed to connect the dimmer, and it worked. The second dimmer however, was included in the system but it did not respond to either direct commands or flows. I tried rebooting Homey/wifi, no luck. Then my final hope was removing the dimmer from my devices to include it again afterwards. The first part worked, the dimmer was removed from my device list. However it seems impossible to include it again. Even after a reset to factory settings I am not able to connect it. Please help!
There are some issues with the Z-Wave dimmers, so I was told by the company. I had problems with one myself. It didn’t react to Homey half of the time. They told me to wait for a respons from the manufacturer.