Hi! My first attempt at Homey, EcoDim, Homey Community Forum, etcetera. I cannot add my ECO-DIM ECO-DIM.07 PRO Z-Wave at all to EcoDim App v1.1.1 on my Homey Pro (Early 2019) v4.2.0.

Hi @Thomas_Hedenstrom welcome!

The Eco-Dim.07 Pro dimmer is supported by the current EcoDim app, under the name Eco-Dim.07.

Hi @TedTolboom, and thank you! I am getting through the first of two steps but then it stops at as per attached image.

For step 1: Press the RESET button twice, wait for the first green check-mark.
For step 2: Wait until the connected light stops changing dim level (~5 seconds), then press the RESET button twice. That should give the second green check-mark

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I have a ECO Dim dimmer with Zigbee and works good. But only once a month the status of the light is not correct. In Homey it is on but the light is of. Is this a known problem?
Homey version 4.2. Not V5.

Thank you very much! I’m almost there but it seems I was rushing things and now have a device added which is not connected to my dimmer but cannot be removed. I cannot force remove it via settings either.

Hi Mike! Are you able to use the Zigbee protocol, for Eco-Dim.07 Pro? I can only add the Z-wave and also see several instructions for red lights which never blink.

I have bought the Zigbee version so i have to use the Zigbee dimmer.
I use 1.1.1
On the box there is no Pro. It is the 07 version.
On the website is this.
ECO-DIM.07 PRO Zigbee
EAN: 8719322371263
I have the same EAN code.

Thank you @TedTolboom, I got it working but had to add the dimmer as a 2019 model and then it comes up as a 2020 model. The red and blue blinking on my dimmer does not match the App for some reason. Many thanks for your assistance!

Thanks @Mike1233. I get it and that makes sense. One app for both. I’ve baked the noodle long enough now.

I’m not sure if the flashing of the lights was the correct color for me as per the description. But that was already a few months ago.
Good to hear it works.

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I got an unknown device message. See attached picture for hardware info. Any idea how to solve this? Other 6 dimmers are working fine

Thanks for the explanation of step 2, I had to check the forum earlier :blush:

Many thanks for creating the app! I used it to add EcoDim 10 Wave earlier, but given distance to Homey, I struggled, but that was not the only reason.

Adding the ZWave Dimmer indicates the user to double press the reset button to start the removal process. On the EcoDim 10 Zwave, manual, it states it needs a triple press instead, which blinks purple and then succeeds. Pressing the reset twice, actually tries to add the device while the config page is waiting for the removal sign, and does not receive it.

The DSK is also not printed nor via QR code legible. I found a DSK prefix in the manual and used this successfully. Not sure if you have a EcoDim 10 Zwave at your disposal, but happy to help you to details and screenshots if you need them to update the config!

I opened a topic on the Dutch forum, happy to translate if needed, but the above is the gist of it.
Dutch forum link


I have several Ecodim dimmers in my home. I’m slowly moving them out of my Fibaro network to my Homet z-wave network. One of the dimmers works fine, the other switches itself off automatically the moment I turn it on,. Does anyone know how to fix this ?


Hello all,

I have a Eco-Dim .07 Zigbee Basic.

My homey can’t identify the dimmer. It adds it as an unkown Zigbee unit and can’t find an installed app to configure it.
Homey identifies the dimmer as Ledvance Unit

How can this be solved?

@Martin_Ahlert Did you installed the ECO Dim app first?
And then choose the the device what you want to add.

Yes, the EcoDim App is installed.
Test it also with the test version of the app.

Have the same problem with a iolloi Dimmer, which can’t be added to Homey.

For those who are interested, I just sended this message to the app-maker:


In de Homey-app van Ecodim (link) zit een error. Steeds als ik de lamp aan of uit zet, krijg ik in een rode balk in beeld de melding: UNSUP_CLUSTER_COMMAND. Zie ook de bijlage. De lamp gaat (gelijktijdig) wel gewoon aan of uit.

Let wel: de melding wordt niet weergegeven als ik de lampen aan- of uitzet d.m.v. het aanpassen van het dim-niveau! Dus alleen bij het indrukken van de aan- of uitknop in de app. Er is ook geen probleem bij het indrukken van de fysieke knop op het schakelmateriaal, de aan- of uitstatus wordt gewoon normaal doorgegeven aan de Homey-app.

Ik gebruik Homey Pro 2023 (versie 10.0.0-rc.133). Het gaat om de Zigbee-variant en ik gebruik de ECO-DIM.07 Led dimmer Zigbee Pro.

Ik hoop dat deze foutmelding opgelost kan worden. Ik ben namelijk verder erg blij met Ecodim-materiaal :blush:

Met vriendelijke groet,

English summary: notifying the app-maker about the error-message as shown above.

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Same problem here. 4 out of 4 are giving this red error mssg.