[App][Cloud&Pro] Twinkly

Homey is fixed via DHCP mode in modem

Never had any trouble

Have an zyxel modem and amplifi HD mesh as bridge mode

Well, not saying it is your routers fault. Just that it could be, based on my own experiences in the past.
The fact that multiple devices been affected might actually give that suspicion more weight. You can only wait and keep an eye on it. If it happens again, just reboot your router and wait some minutes. Just to rule out it is the router itself.

Just deleted the device and added it with the music dongle connected and it worked 3 times in a row. Maybe some other problems appeared the other day and it might not be the dongle at all. When it happens again i’ll make a log for u.

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I got my Twinkly second generation from the attic today and connected it back to the power supply and immediately reconnected to Homey.
On/off also works well. I just got the message
“This type of device may no longer be supported in the future”
Is this due to the outdated firmware of Twinkly, there is a firmware update available.
Homey has 7.2.0. Twinkly app 4.0.12.
If I install the app 4.0.14 and update Twinkly’s firmware, will it still work without any issues?
On/off is enough for now.

Hi Mike,
I would say just keep it as it is if this is sufficient for you. The message shows up because your Twinkly is paired with the unofficial LAN protocol (aka legacy driver) and devices cannot be added this way anymore. The driver was marked as deprecated.

You can safely ignore this message for now, the protocol is still in the app and working. You just cannot add Twinkly’s to it anymore.

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Then I will keep it like you sayed till I buy more from Twinkly.

Little vid of my Twinkly.
Dunno how long it stands because of the music.


I like that, my wife does not. :upside_down_face:

She doesn’t know she likes it yet. Wives always need time to adjust… that’s normal. Just buy and have a good fight over it and she’ll love you for it in the end… right? :joy::wink:


Just make sure u buy the RGB+W! They love warm white. When the cat from huis is u can play disco!!



I was wondering if there are plans to trigger a scene through homey.
It would be nice to have like a scene based on a status or so.


At the moment the focus is on stabilizing the integration for best experience.
I have no dedicated information available from Twinkly on what is currently on the roadmap, but the Homey app will as well be improved and outkitted with more features as they become available on the api.


Hi, thanks for your quick response and all the hard work to help all of us :slight_smile: .
Sad to hear the api is limited. Hopefully it ll be changed soon, thanks once again!

Well, yes. But it is still pretty new. So just as Rome was not build in one day, just give it some time to mature and all :smiley:

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Do you have a screenshot of the setting with you warm white setting?



:rofl::rofl: thanks, but sorry I mean a screenshot of the setting in the app…

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