Hi and thank you for your answer, but it is the right time. We are well in between june and november. temperature is well above 20 in my kitchen and lux are at 80000 lux
I have seen the tips but still cannot understand why my flow is not working. lux is higher than 40000 and temperature higher than 20, we are in between june and november. That should put my blind at 15% no ?
I did removed the second post.
You don’t understand how ALL works, which is that both trigger cards (in your case “luminance is above 40K lux” and “temperature is above 20°C”) have to trigger at the exact same time for ALL to work. Which they never will.
Instead, you have to use an ANY card, so that if one of the two becomes true, the next part of the flow is run.
Then in the next part, you have to check for all conditions to be true: luminance above 40K, temperature above 20°C, and month between June and November. You can use Logic cards for the first two.
Then you attach the outputs of those three cards to an ALL card, which basically acts as an “AND”: if all the inputs are true, continue.
The output of the ALL card goes to the card that sets your blinds.
Ok, I tried this way as I was unable to put a condition as an “and” card. As example, luminance above 40k is the starting condition, then “and” temperature is above 20%. But I am only able to see batery changes as “and” conditions for both my luminance sensor and temperature sensor.
I guess then the solution is to go through logic cards as you said. I will try to understand now how logic cards works
So that the flow is not started unnecessarily although the roller blind is already in the position of 15%, you can also check the position of the roller blind: