Adding several identical devices which are on the same switch

Having trouble with adding 4 identical Philips Hue lamps. They are all on the same switch, so I can’t turn them on individually. I do not have a Hue Bridge. I’ve been able to add one of them via the Philips Hue without Bridge app, but any subsequent attempts give me an error saying “device already added”. Tried flipping the switch off and on, then turning off the already added lamp via the Homey app, but then no other devices are found. What can I try to get all four added?

You need to find a way to add them individually. Homey doesn’t support adding multiple Zigbee devices in one “pairing session”, so each lamp needs to be put in pairing mode exclusively and then added to Homey.

Are you share every Hue lamp has never been paired?
With a Hue remote control you can reset them individually, presuming they are not to close.
You cannot reset a Hue lamp with switching on and off the mains. You can also reset them by by using the serial number and connect them to a Hue bridge and then remove them from the Hue bridge.
Or you can temporally connect every lamp one by one to a different socket, pair the lamp and then connect the lamp to its final destination.
When you remove a Hue lamp from Homey, the lamp is not reset and still paired with Homey, although Homey has removed the lamp. So that is why you have to reset the Hue lamp.

Would a Hue Bridge be able to find all four?

They have different serial numbers, so yes. You pair them one by one with the serial number.
So you can delete from the Hue Bridge and pair with Homey one by one.

So I’m guessing those are my two options:

  • Buy a Bridge and add there first
  • Disconnect from power and connect one at a time

No other way, right? I’ll probably opt for the Bridge, I’m no electrician. Would be nice to save the money though…

Third option is Hue remote.
Try option 2 first.

How would I do it with a remote?

Thank you so much for helping so far!

You hold the remote close to the lamp, push the buttons on and of for more then 10 seconds until the lamp stops blinking and is continuous on.

But how would I add each to Homey that way?

Sorry, I’m a bit slow…

Just by following the normal pairing procedure. As only one lamp is reset, only that lamp will be paired.