Zooz ZSE18 Motion Sensor 800 Series

I recently bought a Zooz ZSE18 Motion Sensor 800 series. After working with Zooz support, they notified me that the previous 500 series version of the ZSE18 was integrated with Homey; however, it appears you have not integrated the new 800 series device. Zooz support said they sent an 800 series version to your team for integrations. When do you expect the 800 series of this device to be integrated? Thanks.

Hi @Ruckus,
you might better contact the developer under https://github.com/koktail-nl/com.getzooz.issues as described in the ZooZ App description on homey.app.
That might be faster.

I think you misunderstood. I have already contacted the developer. The Zooz developers sent Homey the 800 series integration and are waiting confirmation of integration.

I don’t see an issue reported on Github? Also, if you already contacted the developer, why create this thread?

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There are other ways to contact the Zooz developers other than GitHub. Once again, they said they were waiting on something from Homey end for integration. I posted this to see if I could get some insight into this from Homey. I’m sure other threads would love to hear your recommendations of go check GitHub, but this isn’t one of them. Thank you though.

You don’t seem to understand a few things.

“Homey” isn’t a company or a person, it’s a product. The maker of Homey is Athom.

The Zooz app is developed by a community developer (@Koktail), not Athom. So trying to contact Athom about it is useless, because a) they don’t read this forum and b) they will just tell you to contact the app developer.

The page on the app store for the Zooz app contains information on how to contact the app developer, which is the aforementioned Github page.

I guess I’ll stop helping out, since you seem to understand everything better than I do :man_shrugging:t3:


Once again to help:
By the gitgub link you don’t geht the Zooz developers, but the developers of the Zooz App for Homey. Sorry, I was not really clear in my first Post.
And via this Threads, you did not contact Homey but the community of Homey Users.
So why should we (just other users Like you) should know, when Athom or any Developer of apps for Homey will doch something?
And If the developer is not Athom or a company but a private person Person, investing his/her spare time do not like to be pushed.

Does anyone know which 800 series zooz products are currently supported? The app doesn’t clarify. @Koktail hasn’t specified in the github. I’m wondering if anyone has experience? I know the ZSE11 Q Sensor 800 series only partially works. Homey never receives the motion alarm. The Zen32 scene controller works and the Zen71 light switch both work, but the advanced settings are lacking on the Zen 71.
Does any know if the 800 series ZSE42 leak sensor works with Homey?

I’ll add that in the app in the next release

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For what it is worth, this is what a Zooz support person is telling me on the ZSE11 800 LR motion sensor not working.

Since the 800LR version of the ZSE11 is recently released, Homey had the older version (500 series) of the ZSE11 that they integrated with their hub. We recently shipped them the new batch of the devices to integrate and ZSE11-800LR is on the list. Homey has confirmed receipt of the 800 series, but it’s possible they may have not passed them to the developer as of yet. They are aware of the issue of motion not working on the ZSE11 800 on Homey, as the notification class changed on the ZSE11 800, so motion is not being seen on Homey due to that update.

We will add you to the waiting list, and notify you once Homey completes the integration with the 800 version.

Device manufacturers can provide feedback and requests regarding functionality and we will also forward all of our customer comments and notes to their team but manufacturers like Zooz have no access to the Homey platform to influence the shape of the integration in any way, nor affect their timeline for a resolution, unfortunately. This is one of the challenges around making end devices for third party platforms and supporting them, since each product is really a little different depending on which platform it’s connected to. Zooz is committed to working with Homey to request a more advanced support for Z-Wave devices so that ultimately, Homey users can enjoy all of the capabilities of Z-Wave products, not only from the Zooz brand.

I would also recommend reaching out to Homey Support directly, as hub manufacturers are generally responsive to requests from their customer base and the integration support is ultimately on their timeline.

When these things are updated, how will we know? Zooz says they will put me on a list, but in other cases, how would we be informed?

Thank you in advance

@Koktail says that an update to the Zooz app will be released soon. I noticed the change log for the Zooz app states the following:
“1.0.9 Jun 4, 2024
Add support for 800 series ZSE11, ZSE18 and bugfix for ZSE41”
The official version is still 1.0.8, so I’m guessing that 1.0.9 will be released later today.

Correct, the v1.0.9 release is in test right now.

I installed the test version (1.0.9) and it works great with my ZSE11. Great job @koktail !

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@Koktail Is it possible to add a suspend card to the ZSE18 Motion Sensor and the ZSE18 Motion Sensor 800 series?
In talking to the GPTs with this prompt: Using a homeypro2023 controller, write an advanced flow where if the jasco shower light dimmer is turned on to a specified percentage level, the zooz ZEN72 800LR bath light dimmer that is controlled by a zooz ZSE11 motion sensor is turned on to 37% and will not turn off when promoted by the zooz ZSE11 motion sensor. However when the jasco shower light dimmer decreases from the initial specified percentage level, the zooz ZSE11 motion sensor will then be able to control the ZEN72 800 LR bath light dimmer function and allow the ZEN72 800 LR bath light to turn off.

I had this action in Homeseer 3.0, and that was OLD software. I am sure Homey can do it, but a suspend card on the device would make it easy.

Thank you in advance for giving this consideration.

It seems like you should be able to do this using advanced flows. I’m not totally sure I understand what you are trying to do, but it doesn’t look like there is anything in your description that can’t be done.

Hi Benaiah,
If you are replying to Joel_Dearing I have a flow that I use in the bathroom when I take a shower. I also have another flow for general in and out of the bathroom that are triggered by the motion sensor. I would like to disable the motion sensor while the “Shower time” routine (flow) is running. I did find a work around, and it is OK, not exactly what I want to do, but it works.

You should be able to use the flows cards to disable the lights flow during shower time and re-enable afterwards

Thank you