Zigbee wired temperature sensor


I am looking for some zigbee temperature sensors which also acts as a repeater. Anyone any tips?

I can’t think of any. Do you have a specific reason you want such a device, or is it merely because of convenience?

There are home made ones, eg https://www.ebay.com/itm/Zigbee-Temperature-Humidity-Environment-Sensor-for-SmartThings-Hubitat/164220197906. But it doesn’t work out of the box with Homey, hehe.

Edit: if it’s not possible to connect it through the mqtt client app?

I got some aqara temp sensor but they keep failing. Also tried to put some extra routes in the network but they still wont keep working. Now I would like to replace them for some new ones which also can be used as repeater so my zigbee mash network will be better.

I also looked at smoke detectors which are wired and have a temp sensor but also impossible to find.

Hahah those are to sketchy for me. But I like the idea :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not inherent to the Aqara devices that they stop working, I have about 5 around the house and they have been working great for years (but I don’t use Homey for them). Also lots of other Aqara devices (motion and contact sensors) that work fine.

The Aqara sensors are quite particular when it comes to router devices; for one, in my experience they don’t switch over to another router device, even if that means they get better routing. After having placed new router devices in your network, you have to remove (unpair) the Aqara devices and add them back to Homey again, so they (hopefully) use the new routers. Also important is that you pair them close to their final location.

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Also very satisfied with aqara.

Usually i try to pair them where they are supposed to be. If that not work i move closer to the hub and in the direction i “think” the router will go, but rarely right next to it.

Livolo has one but also not supported by Homey:

know I am thee years late but if anyone stumble by this like I did.
If your are from Norway or know anyone there you can get your hands on these that also works with Homey … Namron ZigBee Termostatplugg 16A | Elektroimportøren AS

Shipping from Norway is ridiculously high but if anyone is interested I might buy and post it on ebay. Estimated cost, 90 EURO shipping included.