Zigbee switch wrong power displayed

I have a Zigbee built in switch for measuring power consumption of my house ventilation.
It seems that the power that is used is correct (setting 1: 15 Watt, setting 2: 36 Watt, setting 3: 84 Watt)
However, if I look at the total consumed power, it looks like it consumed almost 7000 kWh since I installed it early September.

I think a comma is missing somewhere. How can I adjust this?

I think you need to provide more information to be able to help,

  • what app are you using to connect the device?
  • What is the brandname and type of the device?

Or reset the device or counter so it starts at 0 kWh.

I connected it to the default Zigbee app of Homey. Didn’t install a specific app for it.
It was recognized as a switch.
I bought it from AliExpress. It’s some sort of white label. Needed another one for the actual switching and bought a Fibaro one for that. This is just for fun.

I could reset to 0 kWh, but it adds 100 kWh a day, so it can’t be right

That’s probably the issue. The generic Zigbee implementation is very minimal, and if the device requires a multiplier for the energy readings, it would require a specific app to implement that calculation, or you’re going to have to fiddle around with virtual devices and do the calculations in a flow.

Ah ok, in that case I need to figure out what app I can use. Currently it looks like the ventilation system is consuming more power than my heat pump and electric car combined :wink:

Ahum… it’s one of these: Tuya ZigBee Smart Switch Power Monitor 16A Smart Life WiFi DIY Module Timer Relay Automation Work With Alexa Yandex Alice Google - AliExpress

Aaaand we’re back to the Tuya topic again :slight_smile:

I have the thing built in behind the outlet, so I need to open that one again.

Well, this sucks… double

Removed the device from Homey. Screwed the wall socket open and wanted to add it again. Only then I noticed, that I might as well have switched the breaker switch off and on 5 times to get the thing in pairing mode.
Well, ok… just pair the darn thing!

Add new device… Tuya Zigbee… Message: device is added as generic Zigbee device as no app for it exists. “Click here to request official app”. Well, we all know where that leads… :frowning:

So, I guess I’ll just have to remove the device from power metering.

Basically all Zigbee devices are paired generically by Homey, and when the pairing has worked and the device is interviewed, Homey will check to see if there’s an app that says it supports the device. So it doesn’t matter if you pair it through the Tuya app or through the generic “Homey Zigbee” implementation, the end result will be the same (this also means that since the pairing process is not done by apps themselves, any pairing issues like timeouts or errors are beyond the control of app developers).

Ah, like that. But then it is kind of weird that in the Tuya Zigbee app it states there is a “built in switch module”, but Homey doesn’t connect the newly found device to that specific app and devicetype in the app

Edit: nevermind, I have to request it to be added. I see this specific one not being part of the list.

Edit 2: There is already a request for this specific device in place. Was posted December 2023…