just buy some ikea repeaters
I have a Homey Pro 2023 and I am struggling to pair all my zigbee devices.
When I go to Homey Developer tool, I can’t see the zigbee routes. Is it normal ?
Another issue that doesn’t help : sometimes a device doesn’t send anymore information and I’m not aware of this issue …
Thank you for your help
Yes, Athom decided not to implement it
Just random one device or gradually after some time more and more?
I’m really disapointed to not be able to see the routes !
This functionality existe even on low cost boxes !
About the device that seems dead without any notice : I have moved it and probably, it becomes not reachable. In this case having no notice is a real issue !!
Right now, I got another issue : two devices I could pair in the past, become impossible to pair again. Nevertheless, I have no more then 12 zigbee devices already paired. But, I am still able to pair other devices of the same type. I tried to start again the app and also to start again the Homey : without any result !!!
I recently also ran into some issues with about 18 Zigbee devices directly connected to Homey 2019 not responding or not able to connect again after removing them. My Zigbee network had to less routers which might cause some stress in my Zigbee network. I installed a Ikea Signal Repater which came with my Fyrtur blinds which resolved the issue. My Zigbee devices are responding better and I was also able to connect (new) Zigbee devices again.
- Check in the Homey Developer Tool how many Zigbee devices act as a router in the Type colum.
- Check if you may have interference with the WLAN at this website.
I got some information from Homey Support
The IKEA hub is not needed because you are still way below the maxium number of Zigbee devices Homey can stably support, which is between 30 and 40. The problem is that you have too many end devices and too litlle Zigbee router devices. The devices on your Philips Hue Bridge are not part of the same Zigbee network and can not strengthen the network of the devices paired directly to Homey.
I understand your explanation.
Actually, I have 7 routers and 6 enddevice, so it should be OK !
Futhermore, I can pair new devices but not these two ones !!
They are all of the same brand and model …
Difficult to understand …
Are you on firmware version RC133?
I’m on rc122
Should I love to rc133 ?
If yes, how to find it ?
Homey says : no update available…
Chec dev. portal - https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/settings - enable it
I have enabled it …
I’m waiting !
Now, I’m with the rc133
And the issue is not solved !
Finally, I solved this issue!
I take the batteries off the devices for a while (around 1 hour).
After putting back the batteries inside the devices, the pairing is done easily.
Items are Sonoff SNZB-02D