Not fix it.
Start up of Zigbee can take a while, don’t jump into conclusions but after an hour.
Not fixing. I deleted all aqara smart plug and hue smart plag, and reset them. And if I want to add homey not connecting but devices is paring mode. I think my homey zigbee chip is died!
Start in recovery mode
Then do “full software download”
Solved many “dead” zigbee issues
I see you did not follow best practices for creating stable Zigbee network.
Also some info on inability to pair devices
Last but not least, check recommendations provided you by this script
I have stable zigbee networks but Saturday night fully down and not response all router and enddivace. I tray delete and re add smart plug zigbee router but homey not see Aqara or Philips plug. And not fixit. Thx I will be check the script version I hope this is help me…
I try to script and controllerState => {“panId”:41011,
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 2: logStatInfo ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Platform : linux 4.14.15-g3c513a6eca Node.JS v12.22.11
Model : Homey Pro (Early 2019) - Model ID homey3d
CPUs #/Model/Speed : 2 x ARMv7 Processor rev 10 (v7l) - 996 Mhz.
Homey Firmware : 8.1.3
Memory Total : 996 MB - Free : 78112 KB - (8%)
Data and Time : Tuesday 7th March 2023 07:23:29 Zone Europe/Budapest [2023-03-07T06:23:29.853Z]
Uptime : 0d + 23:08:03
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3: Zigbee Network Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Nodes : 24
Routers : 12
EndDevice : 12
manufacturerNames : 7
manufacturerNames : [“frient A/S”,“innr”,“LUMI”,“Philips”,“”,“GLEDOPTO”,“Immax”]
modelIds : 12
modelIds : [“MOSZB-140”,“RS 230 C”,“lumi.remote.b186acn01”,“LCT001”,“WISZB-121”,“lumi.switch.l1aeu1”,“GL-B-007P”,“IM-Z3.0-DIM”,“lumi.plug.maeu01”,“lumi.remote.b1acn01”,“lumi.sensor_wleak.aq1”,“lumi.switch.l2aeu1”]
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 3b: routing is an ephemeral state and may change at any time ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Bad Routes : 6
Routes 0 hops : 9
Routes 1 hops : 15
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 4: Devices with Error in Route ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
8916 - (LUMI - lumi.remote.b186acn01)
13435 - (LUMI - lumi.remote.b186acn01)
15612 - ( - lumi.remote.b186acn01)
24671 - (LUMI - lumi.switch.l2aeu1)
57566 - (GLEDOPTO - GL-B-007P)
57804 - (LUMI - lumi.remote.b1acn01)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 5: Devices active Routing ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
8689 - (innr - RS 230 C)
33419 - (innr - RS 230 C)
47975 - (innr - RS 230 C)
31544 - (LUMI - lumi.plug.maeu01)
39348 - (innr - RS 230 C)
59682 - (innr - RS 230 C)
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 6: Zigbee Health Advices ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Try fixing the device with bad routes
For more info read
Fixing disconnected Zigbee devices (without having to modify all flows) - Devices - Homey Community Forum
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 7: Zigbee Reporting Data ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
reporting : 0,“00124b00226f1fa5”,3,false,“Homey Pro (Early 2019)”,“8.1.3”,0,13,0,2,“2.6.3-20190619”,24,12,12,7,12,6,false,“#”,6,9,15 , $
Script Success
Returned: "Please report above text back on Community [Community Survey] Homey v5 ZigBee Health check and statistics collection (HomeyScript) - Questions & Help - Homey Community Forum "
Now I fix it thanks for all help me. I reset zigbee and add all devices 1by1. Now is working
Thank you. The setup link does not work on desktop any other link?
That’s deprecated info, Glenn;
Check the new howto here.
Oh, and it’s Pro 2016-2019 only.
For Pro 2023, use this howto: