Dear group,
I have a problem reconnecting Aqara zigbee temperature devices. When the battery is replaced the sensor is not connecting to Homey again. I tried restarting Homey, waiting for more than a day, pushing the button on the temperature sensor, holding is for long time… Also interviewing the sensor in Homey developer does not work. The only thing that was succecfull is deleting the sensor in Homey and reconnecting it. (I have to delete it first because Homey tells that the sensor is already connected.) But then I have to repair all flows where this sensor is used. Has anybody any better method to reconnect the sensor. Thank you in advance.
Did you get several blinks when pressing it shortly ? That would indicate it’s connected to Homey.
You can repair it without removing. Go to particular device - Settings → Maintenance → Try to repair
But that shall be not required after just removing / replacing battery.
You can use script before you delete the old device - [HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices
Thnx. When I push it shortly it blinks twice. The sensor still says that it has last updated 4 days ago.
OK, strange, then try repair function, it shall ensure that the flows stay intact.
I do not find the repair function. In developer I can only INTERVIEW. And in the settings of the device in the app, I have no repair function.
Ou, you are on HP19 ? In such case, add the device again WITHOUT removing it - it will tell you it already exists, confirm, then restart Aqara app or whole Homey and the sensor shall be working again.
If it’s happening regularly, then search forum for details on creating stable Zigbee mesh.
Thank you for the information.
Very strange… now suddenly the sensor is reacting again… I do not know how… I pushed the button on the sensor more times shortly. Maybe that did it. I will look the forum for creating stable zigbee mesh. Thank you so far.
Additional hint, on Homey 2019 I had random ‘muted’ Aqara sensors after I added some Ikea lights. The problem vanished when I replaced those lights by Lidl lights. Aqara works fine with the Ikea smart plugs however!
Unfortunately not all zigbee brands, and even certain devices are 100% compatible (on Homey 2019); f.i. on zigbee2mqtt this is less of an issue.
Thank you Peter.