Z-wave middle man without connecting directly?

Hi there

So I have a couple of battery powered z-wave connected skylights that for some reason have a huge communication load when connected to and controlled by Homey.
It’s so much that they drain the battery on the skylight before evening and then they won’t close until next day. Not good when it’s raining.

When they are connected to a remote there’s no problems.

So I was thinking whether there were a solution for homey to send the exact same messages than the remote? (I also have Home assistant but that’s another forum I know - just if anyone knew a solution here).
I know there won’t be a signal to whether it is open or closed but that could be done with another little dongle.

I have no clue to whether there is security measurement to stop this so it won’t be possible.

I know that there is those small dongles that can intercept wireless signals and then copy them (can’t remember name) so thought it was maybe possible to trick the z-wave to think it’s the remote.

Thanks :slight_smile:

This sounds like an XY problem.

I doubt that the remote sends some kind of special message, it’s more likely a range issue or interference that’s causing frequent retransmissions, draining the batteries.

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