Why doesn't Homey demand a password?

When I log on either by phone or PC no password is demanded, even though one was asked for on first use. Is it possible for me to see the log on process to troubleshoot it?

Because Homey uses OAuth, so your authorization token is automaticly refreshed when you keep using the app c.q. login online.

Does that mean the token could be corrupted by random noise and lock the user out for ever without being able to rectify the password?

No, if the token is invalid or expired (about 2 weeks not login in or refreshing), you need to signin again.

Or goto
And logoff and login again.

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Have you registered recently using Google or before wat email address and a password but did you forget

[Tip] New Homey Sign in with Google (option)

No you have set a password but you probably don’t remember or it is the Google Sign in.

I am totally confused as to why I cannot get in to my account when I haven’t changed anything. I tried to use the old password and it just said that I’m already logged in, and still cannot connect. I’ve never had this problem before.

What did Athom’s support say about it?

Have you tried login in here?

with incorrect ww and than click the link to reset it?


I’ve tried that and it goes round in a circle, or I’m missing something important.

Maybe cache / cookie misery.
Try in a private browser tab.
Also make sure to temporarily disable any network influencing device, like pihole, adblock and such.
Afaik also Fritzbox devices can mess things up.

We know everything about circles :o: , but our Crystal sphere is broken to understand the circle you are running in.

Do you have an email address and Tested that in the link

And what happened? My circle is round…

Guess he meant

Sorry for being obscure, it must be the stress!
On Tuesday morning I was surprised to find my Tuya blinds not opening. Investigation showed them all to be offline. Shortly after that I went to Homey Pro-UK-3 on my Android phone and found that it gave the screen on the image below after briefly flashing up the Homay home page,. Investigation of the ISP showed they had been working overnight doing something on the service, but I don’t know what. I spent the rest of the day investigating what I could of the ISP and ended up with a standard form saying ‘there’s something wrong, come and check in 21 hours.
21 hours later the ISP diagnostics showed a clear bill of health so I spent most of the time trying to get the App and desktop and Tuya to all work, but with no success. This included noting that the wireless 5GHz which I know for a fact was off, had resurrected, presumably by the ISP. No change of SSID or any other credentials. Despite all this work I am unable to get the Tuya, and two flavours of Homey to work, they are exactly as they were. It makes me think that the problem might not be caused by Wi-Fi, but some other issue, maybe a bug. I don’t have enough knowledge to go any further, so I’m dependant on you good people for ideas for a way forward.
Thank you for your interest, I’m badly out of my depth here!