[Tip] New Homey Sign in with Google (option)

Homey Sign in with Google is enabled.

Note it is an option for your convenience, not required! If you prefer you can still use the usual Username & Password login (optional with a configured 2fa)

Since today both the Homey WebApp (https://my.homey.app) and the Mobile App* provide the option to Sign in with Google. **
To use it you need of cours to have the Homey Account registered with the same email address as you use for the Google Sign-in :wink:

And on Mobile:

See Homey’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
You can manage Sign in with Google in your Google Account.

Your Google Sign in probably will ask for confirmation on an mobile device or other configured MFA option. If used with Homey’s 2FA token that one wil also be verified.

*(Since v 8.2.3 see Homey Mobile App Changelog | Homey )
** other Athom Login points also verified: https://homey.app / https://community.homey.app/ and teh developer portal https://tools.developer.homey.app/


Hi @Dijker ,
there might be good reasons fro Athom to offer the Homey Sign in with Google.
But from a user’s view, who bought a not very cheap Homey Pro 23 in order not to rely on any external servers and tell them, when your home and what you are trying to do, what products you bought, etc, why should I deliberately share all this information with Google?
At least for me I am happy to use my Athom account and I would be happier if I could use it just for adding a new App but the run everything local as promised by Athom.

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For what I see that isn’t shared only your authentication and what is mentioned in the screenshot.

It’s a choice as I see it.
And I do hope it stays that way!
(Not sure why Google is chosen over LG :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

Some hate it, like you and me;
others like to use the easy way and don’t care, or don’t know.

Homey isn’t “everything local”, though.

And in stead of getting more local it is getting more cloudy.
So in the end, you will have to deal with it. Fait a complit.

For what i see nothing changes, except the choice in authentication provided. You had no choice and had to use Athom ID provided by your own Username and Password. Now you still authenticate but using Google Username and Password. So is you want you can authenticate without remembering your password and keeping that safe.

I don’t deny what you are saying. But what is happening is that they make their users getting used to using cloud services more and more. Why? Is it so much easier logging in with your google account then with your Homey account. And if you take privacy serious, I wouldnot corporate with Google. That it is like “selling your soul to the devil”. What does Google earn by this deal?

I believe it wasn’t an Athom roadmap item, this Google thing seems quickly introduced since LG is in charge.
To me, it’s just too much of a coincidence it’s added now…

I didn’t read or hear (@ AMA f.i.) of Athom mention this “widely requested” new feature.
I also didn’t read about anyone requesting it here, or @ Slack.

But maybe I’m seeing ghosts :sweat_smile:

FWIW, it seems this widely requested new feature is causing issues for people that don’t use the Google Play store to install the Homey app (because they don’t want to be forced to use a Google account on their Android phone).

Yeah, i can see arguments for both side - and also justify them guite well…
To use Google - this means one password less in my “wallet” ( currently having 207 ittems )
To use Google - if this is already in memory of Your device, it’s little bit quicker
To use Google - if there is a security incident ( local/phishing… or Google’s one ), then You lost them all
Ok, the cherry on the cake - if google “to goes bankrupt” :wink: I mean, the not providing login service any more.

The last one is also about Athom - so, yes, i’m strongly on the “all auth must be local” side.

PS. Totally out of scope is the information… I personally think, that the login itself does not gives much to G. Most interesting part is “analythics” or when the device is integrated with G-Home