What to do with tuya (zigbee)

So, 4 months ago the last changes were merged on github
The last version on the "“appstore” is from 3 Mar 2021 and the last test version is from 8 Feb 2024
Johan has made an enormous effort on keeping it all together but tuya keeps on delivering all kind of apps.
In the meantime Athom said something on Tuya and ‘official’ bla blabla

But here we are, lot of people wanting help, devices to be supported etc etc but nothing happens ( developer-wise )
At least, not that the forum-users see happening, no newsletter from Athom …

If there’s some development going on … why doesn’t anyone talk about it?

Does anyone know something or is it all going downhill and no-one cares because of LG?
I don’t know what to think of the whole situation besides that it is a shitty one…

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Maybe ask Athom. We all don’t work there…


Speaking Tuya Zigbee wise, I guess there are no restrictions whatsoever except of Johan’s time, I don’t think this has anything to do with Athom or LG.

Yeah johan (and many others ) has/have enough time put into it, while it began very simple , like all things.

I really hoped Athom would step up their game and help Johan out with supporting all tuya devices…
It’s what i’ve hoped since Athom said they would work with tuya, but (so far) it are only the devices that have a cloud/wifi connection ( and can be monitored ( tin foil hat on )).

If you want proper Zigbee, the best alternative is to move to Zigbee2mqtt, which has all the features that Homey lacks, including good generic device support.

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I understand, but not everyone has that time and skill to setup other systems.
One of the reasons people choose homey because its all a bit more polished, less hacky so to speak.
Maybe i’ll look to that in the future if this “problem” doesn’t resolve

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Because you mention Tuya Zigbee in particular, it’s best to ask your question directly in the right topic → [APP][Pro] Tuya Zigbee App

And because you are a member of the community for some time now, you certainly know that the development of a community app depends only on the community developer and not on Athom.
There has never been a guarantee that new devices will be added to an app or that the app will be developed further in general. Of course it would be better if there were a guarantee, but unfortunately this is not the case.

So I guess the Tuya Zigbe App from Johan will never be supported by Athom. Athom is developing the Tuya Cloud App on behalf of Tuya and they will certainly not develop an additional Tuya Zigbee App.

This is exactly what Athom does. Athom/Tuya connects in a simple way the devices of the Tuya cloud world with Homey. It’s the same like all the other cloud systems work.
With (Tuya) Zigbee devices, you need to pay attention to certain things so that Zigbee works stably.
Btw, I don’t use a single Tuya device for good reasons… :wink:

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No one said something like that. But there was a statement by Athom and because of that it could be that some developers would loose interest. Also, if Athom would have made it, they might have more insight and other tools that are not available to the normal developers.

Athom could choose to help Johan developing a better app. Not only would it be better for everyone, but also because so many people use it and there’s still a lot to improve.
People would have an even better experience and be more positive about those things.

That’s a personal thing, no need to burn others…

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You specifically mentioned that the stable Tuya Zigbee app version is from March 3, 2021 and the latest test version is from February 8, 2024. What did you intend to say with that?

Why should Athom help Johan and not other app developers? Athom doesn’t even manage to keep their own apps up to date.

What have I done that you think I want to “burn” you or others with this comment?

I don’t see why they wouldn’t. It’s a bit silly to state that Homey and Tuya work closely together, yet there is no official support for Tuya Zigbee devices at all (although perhaps it works with a Tuya hub in between, I don’t know).

Because Homey doesn’t work properly with them, I guess. Other Zigbee implementations have no issues with them at all. I have 26 Tuya devices (mixed with IKEA, INNR, Aqara, GLEDOPTO and Ecodim) and have 0 issues with them.

I don’t also know, but I assume so.
Btw, I wrote:

So it’s my personal opinion.

At the moment I have 38 devices connected directly to Homey, a mix of Aqara, IKEA, INNR, Lidl, Philips, and have also no issues.

Btw, my comment that I don’t use any Tuya device referred in particular to Tuya devices that are connected via the Tuya Cloud, like it is with Athom’s Tuya App.

Ah yes, that’s very good :+1:t2: I only use Tuya WiFi devices with hacked better firmware :wink:


Hi Robert
Do you know if there are any guides on how to set this up with homey


You can’t run z2m on Homey, you need additional hardware. You can follow the getting started guide.

Once z2m is up and running there’s a zigbee2mqtt app that you can use to import the devices into Homey.

I believe the real solution is more helping hands for Johan which results in more test versions with support for the requested devices. This problem will never stop since Ali-express continues to have new vendors having the same based device with a different design.

For sure official support would be nice, but that will take much longer than I hope to wait for a new test version :slight_smile: Maybe there is a 2nd developer besides Johan which can also release a new version.