Welcome to the Flows category

This category is created for members to show, and explain the working with Flows in Homey.

To keep this category clean and readable for everyone we like 1 dedicated topic per flow. Please search the category for already existing flows before you make a new post. Double posts will be deleted to keep it clean.
When you make a topic about a flow please provide as much information as you can to make it understandable for all. Topics started with too little info like stated below will be deleted to keep it clean.

Description of the flow (what are you trying to achieve)
Give some information on what the flow will do and why it is handy to use this flow.

What is needed to create this flow?
When for example a particular app is needed for the flow, please name the app including a link to the app-store so people can download the app to continue making the flow.

Make screenshots of the flow with all WHEN, AND and THEN flows to make it as easy as possible for other members to create the flow.

A good example of how a topic should be created in this category.
And another example.
And a great tutorial here.

Let’s make Homey even greater then it is already by sharing the flows you are using to help other members to create the same wicked flows!