Webhooks stability

Anyone else having issues with stability of WebHooks - or am I missing something obvious?

I have a couple of devices not supported directly or via IFTTT so I’m using a WebHook to trigger a flow which all works fine and if I enter directly into a browser it repsonds with OK so assume format is correct.

All seems to work fine but randomly every few days, sometimes up to a week, it just stops and cannot seem to find obvious reason why. When it stops working I still get ‘ok’ message when testing in browser but no triggering of the flow. Status page says Homey is attached to Cloud but a restart of the Homey Pro seems to fix it.

The format I’m using is this:
https://webhook.homey.app/*****my cloud ID******/kb?tag=kb

Any thoughts?

This is a backend issue, you should contact Athom about it.

My guess is that the cloud connection between your Homey and the Athom cloud servers gets lost (for whatever reason), your Homey sets up a new connection, but the cloud server still thinks the old connection is active.

thanks for update, I’ll drop them a note. I’ve sort of found a way around it for now but be good to work out why.