Web app stuck on loading but mobile app has no issues

It’s been a couple of days since my web app stopped loading. its stuck on the loading screen. I tried different browsers, deleted cookies, incognitio/inprivate mode and also tried my home pc as well as my work laptop and same issue. The developer page appears to be loading fine from what i can see. Its just the web app stuck trying to load. I’ve also tried different browsers (chrome and firefox) also tried a different connection by using my phone as an internet connection to my pc. Tried clicking on the other tabs on the left such as devices and still stuck on loading. Quite annoyed as I don’t see another way of creating/modifying advanced flows.

Here’s a screenshot of my issue.

The mobile app works fine which i suspect something is up with just my web app or maybe other users.

I’ve already logged a support ticket with homey approximately over a day ago and have no response yet. Just thought i’d post here to see if anyone had similar issues or know how to create/modify advanced flows without the web app.

Do you block websites in your router or somewhere on the way to your PC?

nope. thought about that hence why i tethered my mobile/phone to my laptop and pc and still stuck on loading. havent made any changes to my unifi router to be honest. was working fine even after an update to unifi network. just stopped working randomly the last couple of days. i also tried different machines even my work laptop.

Does restarting your router help?

did that a few times already. even restarted my homey hub also. i suspect it isnt my router because i used a different internet connection via my phone and had the same issues on any pc and work laptop.

Does the web app load if you access it via a web browser on your mobile device (tablet/phone)?

browser on the tablet/phone tells me to download the app mobile app. even tried desktop mode on chrome on my phone and tablet.

thought i’d disconnect the ethernet and try wifi on my homey pro. it did change the screen from loading to saying my device is offline. i suspect i need to set this up as a wifi device my resetting it to factory defaults.

i know for a fact that there is a connection of some sorts as the developer tools works and the mobile app so it is online. im still able to control my smart devices also and my flows still work.

oddly enough i plugged back my ethernet cable and the web app started working. not sure whether homey support has done anything as i havent had a response yet either. wouldnt think there was an issue with routing as most of my homey did work. i would think that restarting my router and network equipment would do the trick. if it was just re-inserting the network cable then im glad its working. ill monitor it for now just to be sure.

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“Continue in browser” is the next sentence below that one… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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probably isnt rendering too well on my phone. lol. tried someone elses phone and i can see “continue in browser”. leasts its working on a pc now. wont get too excited yet as i dont know what the root cause is. i wonder if someone from support did something odd behaviour everything else works other than the web app.