The issue is: homey works with 0 to 1 values internally, and in flow cards. Somehow when you use % as unit, it multiplies the value with 100 to convert it into a % value.
The battery reports 0 to 100 probably, so you’ll have to add a / 100 (divide by 100) calculation.
On top of my head you’d enter $value/100 into the BLL field to solve it
Not much actually.
But the caculation field is required with multiple reflect devices to require a group calculation.
The first version with it, just used the BLL expression field and made it mandatory. But users than didnt notice why they couldn’t save it, if the left the field empty.
Also it gives you a change of writing a calculation to get one value of all devices, and then use that value to calculate with all grouped values.
So in some cases, it gives better readability.
Yes, I see it right now
To be honest: it took me a while before I understood why sometimes there was one “BLL” field and sometimes two. The latter in the case one is reflecting more than 1 device/field. It is quite a sophisticated user interface.