Using “and”, “or” in normal flow


I want to use 3 (virtual) switches and a mainswitch

In a flow I want to switch off the main switch only then when all 3 switches are off.

In a normal flow it seems not te be working.

How can I fix this?



You will need three Flows, one triggered by each switch and they each check the other switches are off in the And section.
Unfortunately, my Dutch is not good enough to know if the trigger card is for the switch is turned off, or changed state. If its the later then you also need to check that in the And section.

The IF is an action that triggers the flow.
The AND is a condition that has to be met (only!) at the time the action at IF is performed.

So in your example only the “energieprijs hoog/laag” is a trigger, after which is checked if what you entered at AND is true.

As @Adrian_Rockall mentioned, you will need to create 3 flows, all with different actions for IF and the other two conditions at AND.

Ok thanks ‘!

I will try!



Succeeded!! :smiley: thanks

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That’s fine. but you can also look in the support section for or and else.

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